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About Someguy

  • Birthday 11/11/1964

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  1. http://stanford.wellsphere.com/alcoholism-article/1-in-5-young-adults-has-a-personality-disorder/732678 1 in 5 young adults between the ages of 19 to 25 have a personality disorder. Most of the disorders that were recognized were Antisocial Personality Disorder and Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder......article seems to elude to alcoholism as a marker rather then an instigator. I'm on my little crusade because I'm trying to figure out what is normal? I think being aware of behavior is like having street smarts. It's like knowing not to go down a dark alley at one o'clock in the morning in the middle of an urban jungle.
  2. http://www.pbs.org/thisemotionallife/topic/bullying/adult-bullying Basically, it relates back to this. I'm wondering if most of our behaviors are really related towards abuse?
  3. http://www.surgeongeneral.gov/library/mentalhealth/chapter2/sec2_1.html Basically, I obsess about this because what your uninformed peers tell you and what statistical information tells you are usually conflicting and based on assumptions.
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q3bVCSklBO0 I believe narcissism is so enmeshed in our society that we, as a society, can no longer recognize it. We seem to accept demeaning, splitting and emotional blackmail as normal behavior.
  5. You're making the assumption that bullying stops after grade school. I had an art instructor admire the above teacher, yet accused me of being a bully. I suspect the art teacher has cluster B personality disorder, both of them. This is college, not grade school. This is the way I draw: http://pnhassett.blogspot.com I am very aware of what bullying is. I have a facial paralysis, and to a certain extent I identify with JulianP story....however, I didn't retaliate out of fear of being mobbed. When you have a facial paralysis, people tend to make you a target...then anyway. http://www.facial-palsy.com/facial_paralysis_pictures.html http://www.facial-palsy.com/kids_with_facial_palsy.html So, I've come to the conclusion that narcissism is epidemic in our culture: http://books.google.com/books?id=OP1rmM_eSRkC&printsec=frontcover&dq=narcissism&ei=KzXmSsSYFpXgyQTO0MDiCw#v=onepage&q=&f=false I see no other excuse to demean other people other then narcissistic pride.
  6. Before you defend this behavior, the teacher got kicked out of the school for sexual harassment because the school got sued. A friend (enabler) in a high position hired him at another school. Bad behavior is often ignored if you develop a reputation of power and omnipotence. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NvXT7z_Embw I've been studying 'splitting'. It's all right to be angry once in awhile, but if you're constantly having tirades....well, I believe that's a marker for having a personality disorder. More likely a cluster B drama type personality disorder. Quote: in Buddhism there is no such thing as “righteous” or “justifiable” anger. All anger is a fetter to realization. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S_Fw2y2S6Ew I think a lot of behavior we experienced as children was really due to being in a dysfunctional society to begin with.
  7. A lot of people with OCD just simply horde junk. So, I don't really associate OCD with perfectionism, more like paranoid obsessive thinking. It seems to be more about fear then perfectionism.
  8. The way JaneE writes is very focused which seems counter intuitive to an ADD diagnosis? Plus, her writing style seems similar to the way I approach paragraphs. Basically, I'm saying I relate towards what she is saying and how she writes. There are definitely Bipolar and OCD/APD traits in my immediate family, namely my parents, so to me having 'unique' personality characteristics is just par for the course. However, I certainly do not display the hyperactivity you would witness with a Bipolar or ADHD personality. This is the way I draw: http://pnhassett.blogspot.com/ So, I often wonder how a mind can be so focused, yet be ADD at the same time? I definitely relate towards this paragraph however I've never been diagnosed: Plus add in facial paralysis: http://www.facial-palsy.com/kids_with_facial_palsy.html You got a real stew to cook with.
  9. http://books.google.com/books?id=m3YndShMSUUC&pg=PA66&lpg=PA66&dq=narcissism+80%27s&source=bl&ots=gMvV-7g-YO&sig=MsPqVtEBEAYM_-kyTaTawDwqdPg&hl=en&ei=5MyzSuDgGYaIMuqayNoO&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=3#v=onepage&q=&f=false This book states we're developing an epidemic of narcissism.
  10. http://books.google.com/books?id=QdFvrBnEEEoC&pg=PA83&lpg=PA83&dq=borderline+personality+disorder+perfectionists&source=bl&ots=ig844EXVov&sig=JN7y2yhi1qvGEn_z0B8C5O8NMq4&hl=en&ei=X3qpSp-AD5L9nAe66tykDw&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=3#v=onepage&q=borderline%20personality%20disorder%20perfectionists&f=false How much do you believe perfectionism, overly critical and violence plays into being BPD? I just ask this out of curiosity. I just feel I've encountered a lot of this behavior within my own family and neighbors. In the book it states that a lot of psychiatrists prefer to label BPD as Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome since a lot of the symptoms are similar.
  11. I don't think it's so much being afraid of men, but being afraid of predatory behavior. http://books.google.com/books?id=CLaj7fgPeAMC&pg=PA27&dq=predatory+anger&ei=7xClStyhBpiWNYah_PEH&client=firefox-a#v=onepage&q=predatory%20anger&f=false I find that people often think with impulsive acts dependent upon their feelings. It's a question of being around cognitive or visceral types of people. I've known people that are chronically angry, and frankly I just think they're toxic to my being.......they just end up being contemptuous and narcissistic. In this video, if you find this disturbing, well I find it disturbing too. Predatory people seem to want you to feel the same anger they feel. They want you to feel the same passions they feel....and if you don't, you're lessor then them and deserve all the contempt they can muster. What? I don't see the logic in it, especially from a teacher. Basically, I don't believe it's so much men, but the behavior and aggression they exhibit. I certainly don't believe in that behavior.
  12. Oh wow, sounds like the farel phucks I grew up with. I think kids were more likely to exhibit obsessive behaviors because they're parents were alcoholics and self medicating themselves far too much. People just seemed more angry to me then, even the kids they spawned.....it was spawned too. If you want to get an idea of the mentality of people then, just watch those mean spirited sitcoms with that kiss my grits - up your nose with a rubber hose behavior going on....it was just one put down after another, and some how we got it in our heads that was normal? I think people in the 60's were angry, and they made angry children.
  13. http://health.usnews.com/usnews/health/articles/050623/23balance.htm?s_cid=related-links:TOP This article indicates that 20 percent of people that were direct witness of 911 Twin Towers were 'self enhancers'.....indicating narcisistic traits. Eh, so I have OCD traits.
  14. http://pn.psychiatryonline.org/cgi/content/full/43/15/38 This thread indicates that 6 percent of the general population, based on a sampling of 35,000 people, have Narcissistic Personality Disorder. However, the previous link I posted: http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,1870491,00.html Was based on 35,000 people and stated that 5.9 percent of the general population have Borderline Personality Disorder. There's a possibility since both studies have the same amount of people both done in the same time frame that maybe both studies are based on the 'same' sampling of people? They did 2 studies on the same test? 5.9 percent BPD and 6 percent NPD. It's been said that there's a blurring of NPD and BPD traits, and they could be co-morbid traits.
  15. http://books.google.com/books?id=CLaj7fgPeAMC&printsec=frontcover&source=gbs_v2_summary_r&cad=0 Anger management By Peter J. Favaro This book seems to have no reference to psychological disorders or anything clinical, yet seems to devote itself to common sense.....just as you would see value in Buddhist Teachings or The Golden Rules or whatever social mantras you devote yourself to. These books on personal social engineering, do you feel they are flawed in anyway or very sound? Personally, I think this book makes sense, but I find that people in general often take the adversarial approach in life......well, I've seen plenty of domestic violence and divorce, so I don't know.
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