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I knew everything once

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A few years ago I experienced what can only be described as a momentary state of nirvana. I wasn't really meditating but I was in a quiet place, in reality and in my mind. Then suddenly I was everywhere. What I saw was the essence of all existance. It really was amazing but over way too quickly. The sad thing is #1 There are no words equivilant to the experience and #2 It was completely involuntary and I am certain that I could never intentionally recreate the conditions under which the experience occurred.

So I wait hopefully, patiently until I am lucky enough to experience it again.:D

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think we still know everything. Not everything about everything in the world but everything about life and living things. If we saw it then our subconscious holds a picture and we are free to examine that picture any time we have cooperative (regarding that picture) access/communication with our subconscious selves. Dreams and meditations are good open doorways.

If this thought were or became completely confident- #1 I would likely be labelled Narcicistic and #2 it would make the thought a reality.

Edited by frazzled1
improper articulation
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My thought would be that, like your wave analogy, we could "know everything" again, but only at the price of becoming one with everything again. But at that point we lose our individuality, whether we reach that point by dying or by going insane.

My suggestion would be, as it often is, everything in moderation.

{ Which is why I became a moderator ... ;-) }

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think you are right Irma I think it is possible to be omnipresent within yourself and I believe I am headed there again. (I have a pattern obsession) I recognize certain things going on that makes me feel as though the experience is going to repeat itself.

Malign I think that we all know everything but it WOULD drive us insane if we knew that we knew it.:o

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Awesome thread . I can dig it. I wonder all the time what I don't have the privilege of knowing especially when I'm around nature . I only have the privilege of evaluating and nourishing what I have seen thus far. Many people are open to extra -sensory perception like I believe I am . I can just stand or sit and stare at a tree for hours. I just recently meditated on tree's at my local reservoir thinking looking telling myself . " We call it a tree to give it meaning, for me it's life reaching up to the horizon as far as it can reach. That tree has done more ecologically perfectly still without moving for hundreds of years than I have for this planet. It has given itself up for food, homes to insects, homes for birds, shelter for small critters , and most important turned sun light into sugar for food to the soil and oxygen for us. All just without moving being still. " amazing . Just one of my moments . But ya I can dig your enlightenment was their many times it's a process that I am so happy to be a part of. Thanks for sharing !!!

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Nature can be very humbling, I agree, PB. We can learn much from nature. Connecting with nature can also be very enlightening and spiritual. It has always been out in the woods or in a field when I have felt totally present, at one with self, and with being. Cool stuff.

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  • 9 months later...

The Tao that can be named is not the Eternal Tao.

I spend a lot of time struggling to express ideas, concepts, the images in my head, in short, things I have no words that will ever be able to put what I'm feeling into somone elses head. And isn't that the problem? Turning a "heart" thing into a "head" thing? It will always be lost in translation and it's frustrating as heck, yes?

Also, I understand your #2. I have had a tiny handful of transcendental moments that I would give teeth to experience just once more. Somewhere along the way though, I began to wonder if perhaps there is a reason brief precious things only happen once.

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  • 2 years later...

I understand craving spiritual moments. I am a Christian and sometimes I just become over come by the spirit. It's beautiful and overwhelming. It is light. But I have had to learn to be okay in time of not total joy. I feel persecuted sometimes and that is a time to repent. There is time for me to improve and become a stronger christian and that is a time for studying the bible and think and be in deep prayer and to listen. Sometimes god doesn't say what I want to hear and that definitely doesn't bring me great joy, yet it is still a spiritual experience. Maybe you can take something like that. We may not be from the same religion but were still sisters in a sense. I hope this gave some insight.

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