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12 hours ago, Powerhouse8000 said:

Just feel really angry right now about being a man / white man / adult, angry and frustrated and upset about what it really means

I'm very sorry for your loss. I also hate to hear that the relationship is over so quickly but if you're honestly not connecting then it's likely for the best.

I'm not sure I understand your anger with being an adult white man. Don't get me wrong, I can get angry about a lot of things but these items specifically don't typically drive anger for me so when you have time I'd be interested if you wanted to expand on this.

I also agree with Victim, maybe it makes sense to take a break and regroup. Spend some time dissecting the past few relationships to determine if there are trends or patterns, that you can learn from, that may indicate why they wouldn't work. Is there any commonality in the way the relationships were formed, progressed, or concluded?

It's an old cliché but it's still very true... "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over but expecting a different result."

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I don't know what to say really.

I've just wasted an entire evening doing nothing of any importance but feeling tired.

Is there anything good about being male at all? There are probably a few minor advantages. But the benefits of being female have got to greatly outweigh any advantages of being male.

Read this: http://www.socialanxietysupport.com/forum/f35/i-hate-everything-about-being-male-1752889/#post1084913417

He has some pretty good points, doesn't he? Certainly he said it far better than I could. He said pretty much most of everything that I was trying to say there.

I am feeling so bad right now about myself, feeling really low. I would also like to point out that just because I am experiencing self hatred over being male right now, does not mean that I have any kind of transgender feelings.

I don't know. I'm confused. I'm crazy.

What's interesting is that I seem able to post in others' threads and offer them sound advice, but I can't see past my own (perceived) problems.

All of my "problems" are basically just forms of self-loathing. Whether hating myself for being male, hating myself for being white, hating myself for being an adult... the list goes on and on but I really get some pretty awful self-loathing at times.

What I want to know is why this keeps happening as I've had it for years?

What I could also use right now is a self-esteem boost. Now obviously you don't know me in person. But going by what I've told you about who I am, and what I've done, should I have reason to feel happy about my life? Would you be happy if you were me? I've said a lot of things in this thread and have kind of painted a picture.

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@Powerhouse8000, I am not a psychologist so I can't diagnose your condition. I will, however, say that our minds are wired to be positive and self preserving so when negative thoughts creep in the mind tries to offset these. Sometimes the negative thoughts are so strong that they can't be offset but if deep down you are not wanting to be negative then the mind can assist in getting you out of the "funk".

Typically bipolar tendencies cause extremely wide variations in mood. You will have a run of "highs" where you are on top of the world for some period of time (usually multiple days) and then you will crash and burn resulting in being in some of the deepest darkest places of your mind. I dated a girl who was bipolar and it was like riding a roller coaster. She could be on top of the world one minute, talking about all the great things in her life and everything she was going to accomplish but when she was down she wouldn't leave bed, would continuously cry, become suicidal, and would want nothing to do with anything.

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If I was you I'd be miserable right now, because I'd be you and you're unhappy atm. Give yourself time to grieve (sorry to hear about that btw) and take care of yourself. Maybe just focus on you for a while, get passionate about hobbies, take a class or start going to a group about something you like? I'd say you're more likely to find love out there in the world just doing 'you' rather than trying to find love, it kind of finds you, normally when your guard is down. You come across as a sound guy, you're just a bit low right now and that's cool. Life is one stream of consciousness and sometimes a turd floats down the stream, just let it float by. I dunno, I'm rambling. Hope you feel better soon. 

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Is there anything good about being male in a modern, Western society? If there is, I can't work out what that would be.

Misandry is quite commonplace, both in the media and in everyday life, and to a large extent it's socially acceptable, whereas misogyny is not.

Women can use their sexuality to make a living and to get attention. For most men, that option simply does not exist.

Being a white, heterosexual male is the lowest form of shit in the modern, Western world. I really feel depressed tonight.

You say "the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over but expecting a different result"

I've been thinking these types of thoughts for YEARS, and nothing has ever really changed that much.

Maybe it would change if I just killed myself? I'm not going to escape my physical body THAT I AM TRAPPED IN, so what hope is there for me?

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I am never going to be anything other than a white heterosexual male. Race changes are impossible, sex changes are impossible in the true biological sense, and my sexual orientation isn't going to change either.

This thread is just turning into the last one. If I keep saying things like this, especially.

Why do I always get back to old habits?

I don't even think I can be bothered typing or explaining myself tonight, I am too depressed, tired, etc

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Advantages of being members of particular groups - hierarchy from the "highest" to the lowest


  • Unlimited sex life
  • Can make money and gain attention, influence, fame and power using sexuality alone
  • Complete control over the human reproductive process, and by extension human evolution itself


  • Eternal racial life - black people will one day be the dominant racial group on the planet
  • White women are attracted to black men
  • Black people are "cool"


  • Strong traditions and family life means a strong people with a high fertility rate
  • The excesses of Western liberalism, feminism etc are kept in check by a traditional culture


  • Unlimited sex life
  • Can to a certain extent make money and gain attention using sexuality


  • No need to work
  • Dead soon, also given money by the state


  • No need to work
  • Looked after by the state, and given healthy sums of money


  • No need to work
  • Looked after by parents


  • No need to work
  • Taken care of as pets by humans


  • No need to work
  • Nice and green, people take care of you

Inanimate Object

  • No need to work
  • Can be put to some use in this world


  • More enjoyable than being

White Heterosexual Working Age Male

  • The lowest form of scum and shit on planet earth - most others think of these subhumans as a bunch of paedophiles, perverts, misogynists, homophobes and racists. While women walk around pushing prams and walking dogs, men work like slaves. THE WHOLE WORLD HATES STRAIGHT WHITE MEN!!!
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There is no such thing as white male privilege, only alpha male privilege. 90%+ of straight white men have a worse life than anyone else in the Western developed world.

Historically, it was shameful for a woman to be sexually promiscuous. In many cultures around the world, it still is, but in modern Western society it has become the accepted norm to such an extent that it's almost certainly less socially acceptable now to criticize a woman for being a slut than it is for a woman to actually be one.

And whether they want to admit it or not, young white women in Western countries for the most part just can't get enough sex. It's a fact. They love it. And they love wearing revealing clothing and sending naughty pictures of themselves half naked and generally just teasing the boys as much as possible.

Women are way more sexually open about what they like than they used to be. In fact, they do all the same things guys do now. Everything that men do, women have to now do it as well.

So that includes watching porn, looking for sex online, getting naked on the internet and sticking toys into themselves and even having sex on camera and selling videos of it and prancing about on webcam shows. And they can make money from it as well.

Most women I've spoken to about this subject say they masturbate every night. That's more often than I do. Women can have orgasms from practically anything - even just rubbing their legs together.

I am absolutely fascinated with sex and the seedier aspects of it including prostitution. I often drive past my city's prostitute zone just to see what's going on. A few weeks ago I drove through a particular street (Miller Street in Aberdeen, Scotland - look it up in Google Street View if you like) one evening and saw a very attractive prostitute who was probably in her 20s, brunette and wearing a black jacket and quite tall and I wanted to pick her up but it's illegal and also I had a car full of food shopping but the temptation was there.

What is wrong with me?

I broke up my last year-long relationship because I wasn't attracted to the girl, but I got on great with her. Not only do I have problems having actual physical sex, but I am also not really sure that I would want a relationship with the same person that I'm having sex with. To me, I almost would rather have someone for sex, or for a relationship, but not for both.

I don't know. I'm confused. I think I'll probably never find a woman I got on with as well as I did with my ex ever again, but I wasn't actually attracted to her so still not sure whether I did the right thing ditching her or not. I probably did, but it sure does get lonely here sometimes.

There's more that I'm not telling you. That I've never told this forum.

I have this thing called a Twitter account...

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Yes, but not really a lot of close ones that I see all the time?

I am in the constant company of other males in the workplace, and plenty gets discussed there. Anything and everything can and does get discussed often humorously. But it is more jokes and banter and it would be very difficult to have a serious discussion with them because you know what like.

But outside work, no I don't have a huge social life. I know people, and I have my family, but I don't really go out or meet a lot of people as such.

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