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And I was worried about only posting once a year ...

This time it was four years since the last post.

And sixteen years since I first joined the site.  I'm 63 (as of today).  That's over a quarter of my life.  And a quarter of the 16 years, I haven't been here enough to update what was once a daily blog.

There's documentation of some of the shittiest times of my life on here, but also a record of many instants of joy, some of the best times of my life.  Then there's the four-year gap, which speaks volumes about how little use I've made of the site recently.

So, I guess it's obvious why I doubt the usefulness of keeping it running.  Stopping wouldn't imply that it wasn't a great place, once; just that it isn't, so much, any more.

And I know that all of that is just my opinion, how it's worked out for me.  Though there are not nearly as many people here as there once were, I do know that I'm not the only one whose opinion matters.


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Hi Malign, I just wanted to say thank you for running this site, I have found it a comfort over the time I have been using it.

It's true there are few posters, hard to know why when mental health issues are on the rise.

I do notice that I can only find the forum by typing the exact web address these days, it doesn't appear in any general mental health forum or discussion google search I do.



@malign yes I also want to say thank you for running the site all these years.

Obviously activity on this site is pretty low, not exactly sure why. So at some point if you want to close it down I totally understand. You don’t owe me any favors but if I could make one request it would be that if you are going to do that to put up a post to let people know. I’m sure you would do that anyway. 

I just looked and I joined December 6, 2012. So I’ve been here for 12 years. Wow.

Anyway I hope anyone who reads this is doing well and has a great 2025! 

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