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when i was little i wasn't allowed to cry because it was bad. even if ykw was after hitting me or saying mean things to me it was still wrong to cry. if i did cry she would call me more names and make me feel worse and that would make me cry even more and she would get even madder at me and send me to my room. because i was bad.

she always pretends to be nice to me in front of other people and i have to pretend to be happy so that noone will think bad things about us. we need to make everyone think that we're a perfect family. everything has to be perfect. except my perfect is never good enough:(


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i've completely lost track of time...


i ended up putting up the christmas tree with my housemates instead of writing my essay..

and now it's 12.30 and i 'm very screwed..

i wish i had an assistant to write it for me...

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well, see there's actually 2 essays...

i have one page written on both so far.. but that's all.

it's due up tuesday but i wanted to have them both written so that i could type them up and print them on one of the college computers tomorrow. hmmm. i was never a good writer..

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it wasn't a nice weekend because ykw said mean things to me again and that made me feel bad so i came back to college earlier than usual to get away. i've also been feeling verrrry guilty about not having the essay done all weekend:(

how are you?

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yeah.. the second one is only 600 words though and it's a lot easier to write about so i think i'll do that one tonight, i just need about another 2 pages on it and i'll be ok. and then i'll try come home from college early tomorrow and write the other one:( and then go to the library that night and type and print it and then i'll be done. but i don't know how i'm going to fit all that into tomorrow:(

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NOTHING ykw says to you that upsets you and is damn right mean is true hun like not a damn thing. ykw probably has her own issues and is taking her problems and frustrations out on you, she is being a flipping bully. :mad:

were your friends and we are being honest with you, you are nothing like what she tells you. crumbs i wish you could be treated a heck of a lot nicer and with some respect.:D

your a wonderful person blossom, and we all think the world of you :(

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hmmm i think i'll go to bed now!!! and i'll try finish the rest tomorrow.

college work sucks..

goodnight Jj and starry if you're still there, thanks for helping me:) see ye tomorrow!!!!

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