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hey can you tell me something?

Not being nice to me, I need to know the truth, does the way I think make people angry? I know I think wrong, but the way I present myself and talk and think does that provoke anger? do you know?

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oh nothing I just need to know, I think I think wrong or people take me the wrong way or something I just need to know but I guess it doesn't matter really cause I guess i can't really think different I just meant that I think because of the way I think people find me really irritating or that they get really mad at me but I get confused by it because I don't mean to make people mad.

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Starry, I wish you wouldn't do that. Nothing you do is so awful that you have to delete it.

It sounded like an honest question, based on a real hurt. Can you tell us what happened? That might help us give you better feedback.

Because in general, although you do have a tendency towards repetitive thoughts, that might be frustrating to someone who didn't know why, it certainly doesn't bother us, who know you a bit better.

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oh it'sjust when I am at home and everyone is there I don't even know what happens, well something will happen that will make me upset or mad but than if I show that all of a sudden everyone, is against me, like I've done somethiing so wrong, it feels like being attacked and I guess I just don't know why because it feels in my head that I am so right, but then what happens is after everyone is already mad than it makes me look like anidiot becuase than I do get a little ridiculous but that's because when you have five people against you acting like you're completely nuts and either yelling at you or mocking you than maybe I do act a little ridiculous but what happens to get there I won't even understand what I did, then of cousre I'm the ridiculous one cause I get upset and run to my room but why would I stay there and even try to explain myself to them when whatever I say will be wrong.

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So, um, maybe it's them and not you? :-)

It's too small an ecosystem to design your experiments around, sweety. Most of them are probably trying to keep things just the way they are, like you do, so when you react "normally", it's a threat to them.

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I guess that's what I'm trying to figure out, I need to know if it really is me or not, it happens too often, and what makes it worse is that I try so hard to not let it happen, so it feels out of my control. Each time it happens I say to myself that I will never let that happen again I guess I just need to learn to remain calm even when they upset me even if I don't understand.anyway sorry this really hasn't come out right, I can't phrase my question right and it's coming out too messy.

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Have we ever complained about you being messy?

Maybe it's time to forgive yourself for being human.

How other people react is out of your control, starlight. You can't stop it from happening, so you might as well just open your fist and relax.

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There are other ways than not caring. Asserting yourself would be another way.

But yeah, clearly, something about how think about the situation would have to change, or you'll just keep doing the same thing. That's not stupid; that's logical.

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I think that it's because any other way, such as being assertive, would cause it to look like I was being confrontational which wouldn't be taken well and I.d wind up a mess. I know it's babyish but I'm afraid. It makes me feel like I have no options. But at the same time I do feel like there is hope that I will figure something out, so I think that's a good thing.

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Well it reeeeally helps having experiences that are healthy with people, so you can restore your sense of sanity. I have to limit my exposure to people that pull me into dysfunction... it is too much to expect of myself that I can handle anything that anyone throws out. I have to give myself space and time to recover.

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