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Hi everyone :) you can call me Wulver, I'm 23 years old & I'm a part time youth worker full time mess. I'm currently in therapy (DBT) for Borderline Personality Disorder, chronic depression, and social anxiety, and I'm also diagnosed with EDNOS and Tourrette's. Somehow I've managed being a youth worker for the past couple of years, but I'm finding it harder and harder to hold it together - I only barely do when I'm at work, and when I'm at home, all bets are off. Anyway, when I'm not working or being Over The Top, I over-analyse horror movies, listen to a lot of mid-2000s emo music, and draw (badly). I find it hard to talk about a lot of things in real life so I hope I can talk some stuff out here, and also maybe meet some people also doing DBT. Also I hope I don't embarrass myself.


I don't see anything embarrassing in what you've said so far, if that helps, wulver.

That's a lot of labels, though.  How do you relate to all of that -- do you agree with them;  do they affect you when dealing with other people;  does a long list make your life better, or worse?

As a youth worker (the duties of which I'm not familiar with), are there opportunities to talk to others about the difficulties that you're feeling?  You might find that some of them, at least, go with the job, and you might not be the only one who has them.  I have found that, at least when I isolate myself from others, I cut off one of the resources that might be able to help me.

But certainly, you're welcome to talk about things here, if that helps.  You can be sure people read them, even if not everybody responds.

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