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You do have a way with words and you're possibly the smartest fucker in here. But the price of stamps makes this proposal preposterous. I can't go back to the written word, I'm a modern man with modern leanings, I even know how to use the calculator on my Nokia T10. But in all seriousness, I do believe letters will come back in into fashion like the vinyl, it outsold the download for the first time in years last year. Writing to an American would be cool, they could send care packages with yank candy in them, I've always wanted to do that. I haven't written a letter since some kid in Pontins when I was 10.

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31 minutes ago, Victimorthecrime said:

It was not a stupid idea. Anyone feel free to PM me and we'll see how it goes.  Like most guys that work full time and live alone I am busy as hell because it is always some goddamn thing demanding time attention and money.  

ROFLMAO. Oh god that made me laugh. It's in sympathy man... I know exactly what you mean. Too true. I miss talking with resolute and that's why I posted it I guess. Since he and my grandmother died I've really had no one to talk with personally. It's been hard. Small and I may skype some, maybe that can be a possibility.

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Hello @Klingsor,

I like the written word, as well, and I have become somewhat eccentric over the past year or so ( I think this may be an early midlife crisis). I went from taking notes, at work, on my computer to buying a leather journal. I also switched from writing in print to cursive (which I haven't done in years so this took a little practice). Last but not least, I have started using fountain pens all of the time because I love how they look and how well they write.

I would actually like doing the "pen pal" thing but I think my wife would ask questions. I don't discuss my SPS with her because when I did, historically, she wasn't very empathetic to my plight. This means I also do not broadcast that I am on this forum so strange letters arriving in the mail from someone she doesn't know would raise questions in which I would not like to answer.

I do think it is a really cool idea though.


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Yeah it's dumb. A long time member of this community and a good friend of mine committed suicide a little over a month ago. I also lost my grandmother recently. My social life is nonexistent so I impulsively posted that. I've been more active on the forum recently than I have in a very long time. I'm old fashioned and like old fashioned things, way of life. There's no need to discuss this further, I skype with someone and we may enlarge that or not. Just depends. Like victim, I'm single and work full time, hate my job as always which is really nothing more than the time I spend outside of bed, between rising up and laying down. 

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Klingsor, I don't think it's a stupid idea. Handwritten letters are more personable too, I think. You may write to me anytime and I will write back when I can.

I'm sorry for the loss of your grandmother. I'm sorry for the loss of Resolute. :icon_cry: I think of Res and remember him. 

Take care.

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We're no better. I'm starting to resent customers in the bar. I can deal with one off piss heads getting loud and obnoxious, it's the every day customers who want everything from you NOW for £7.50 an hour. I feel like smashing them over the head with every drink I pour for the fuckers 😂. "Er, excuuuuse me, is this change right, I gave you a 10 and you've given me £3.30, shouldn't it be £3.42?" Oh, sorry, I've only got 40 people ordering drinks at once, here let me stop what I'm doing and find your life changing and reality altering 12p before the world ends and your head falls off. "But I get a discount" did you mention it beforehand or wait til it's put it through the till? "Disgraceful service, let me pull down your pants and speak to your arsehole" 😤😤😤

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@Klingsor - no unfortunately I know nothing. My opinion is that blogs have gone the way of the buggy whip.  People want video, they don't want to read.  Don't let me deter you, worth a shot.  My guess is if you wanted to make money on-line then using your programming & technical skills would be the answer.  

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