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Some what at a loss


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I'm not really sure what it is but I am back to having difficulty posting. It's as if I have had the confidence sucked out of me since I have been pregnant. I have been quiet unwell physically and now a little emotionally exhausted. I have noticed I am withdrawing from all the things I started engaging in last year. It's like I am going backwards, way backwards. A place I don't want to go. Is this normal during pregnancy? Or could it be something that happens a couple of months after therapy stops?


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Guest ASchwartz

Hi Confused,

I really want to hear everbody's opinions about your excellent and important question. I will give my opinion and it is this: It seems to me that with all the hormonal and physical changes a woman goes through during pregnancy it is natural to feel like withdrawing as it is to feel tired. In addition, it is possible that you are thinking and even worrying about some of the challenges the baby will pose once birth takes place.

Come on, guys, what do all of you think and what do you advise?????


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Thank you for your reply's

finding my way, I am almost 14 weeks. It is my 4th pregnancy and the way I am feeling now does not resemble my past experiences. My first two pregnancy were enjoyable despite some serious complications. My third pregnancy was different I think I actually spent the first 5 months in a world of my own. And this one is, well, just bluh. I don't think I have thought about post birth issue yet, as I have many other things to sort before that, maybe this is where my worry is focused.

I will try and be patient with myself, not one of my strong characteristics though it may be necessary.


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I guess I have a few worries the main one being medical care over the next few months. Well I am hoping that I will not need much medical care at all really. Getting myself to a midwife or Ob/gyn is going to be a mission in itself. As for the other worries things like PIH (Pregnancy induced Hypertension), Obstetric Cholestasis, and placental abruption which were experiences with my last three pregnancies. And mixing with the general issues of luck of trust in people, anxiety and depression.

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Guest ASchwartz

Hi Confused,

As you know, each pregnancy is different including how one feels about it. In that way, it is no surprise that this one feels kind of "bluh." Of course, I don't know what you mean by "bluh?" Was this planned? Are you looking forward to this child?

It sounds to me like you really need to see you Gyn because of past problems you had with pregnancies. I am not sure why getting to appointments is difficult now but it has to be a priority. Do not put that off, both for your sake and for the baby. The problems you had before are fairly serious, as you well know.

How is your family reacting to this pregnancy. Sometimes our feelings are in reaction to other family members reactions.

Keep posting, we are here for you.

Allan :)

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Thank you for your encouragement Allan and finding my way.

I am trying to communicate as much as possible, not just here but in real life as well. The appointment difficulty is more about not trusting people, I think. I didn't have a positive experience during one of my pregnancy's which has eventuated in the ob/gyn being charge and he is currently in jail. I was not the only woman to suffer under his care but over a hundred women many with long term damage and consequences.

As for the pregnancy it wasn't planned for this year, so it has taken a fair bit of time to accept. My husband is excited, he can't wait but is a little stressed about the practicalities of me being pregnant.

Maybe the 'bluh' is about being tired. Tired of work, tired of family commitments, tired of myself expecting to be happy and fine about life when everything feels like it is falling apart again.

It sounds weird to me but I am actually scared to think that things will improve, just in case they don't.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Yeah, I finally went to the midwife. I have got through the formal questions and things went okay. I was a little disconnected I think, I think it actually helped me get through the appointment. I still have the intense sense of dread though. It's becoming a little overwhelming so one minute I am full of anxiety as soon as that calms I just don't want to move or do anything, just hide away in bed.


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  • 4 weeks later...

I do like to watch movies but I am just not into them, haven't been for some months. I like the outdoors but really need to make an effort to get out a bit more. I think I am being a little too slack.

Now that I know that I need to get out and do some things. I just need to do it if it was only that easy.


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