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I need help


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Hi, I live in jacksonville, florida, and am asking for help. I am 25yrs old, and i have a serious issue with controlling my anger. Unfortunately, I allowed myself to rage yesterday, and hurt my wife, emotionally and physically. I want to get better, and to stop this feeling of rage that overcomes me from nowhere. I have set up a counselling session with my church's pastor for thursday, though i am not an active member, and would like to know if anyone has any information on a local support/group therapy session that I may get involved with. I am unfortunately without insurance, and would like any information you may have to offer. I hate the person that I have become from this.

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Anger problems aren't the easiest thing to resolve, but they are quite workable. Talking with your pastor will hopefully be a good first step, but you may want to take it further and get yourself to an anger management group or class. You can read more about such groups and how they tend to work in our anger management topic center, and in this essay I wrote some time ago titled, "An apology for anger management".

I know that cost must be an issue for you. All I can say is that if you've really got a problem to the point where you are beating up on people you love, it ought to become a priority in your life to address that problem so that it goes away. Getting yourself to some effective help maybe is more important than paying for some other things that are ultimately luxuries like cable tv or beer money.

The health insurance system in this country is messed up - everyone knows that. If you are unhappy with the way things are now, consider voting for candidates who strongly support comprehensive insurance and healthcare reform this coming November.


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