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Personality Test


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Well... I have trouble with these tests, the questions lack sufficient context for me to know if I'm answering properly. The grammar on some was, um, a bit creative as well.

I got INFP (I think it was) the first time and then ISFP the second time. ^^;;

According to the last bit I'm an Artisan Composer, heh!


Edited by JaneE
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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 months later...
I thought I would bump this up in case some of our newer board members might be interested in taking it. The link is back on page one. I found it pretty accurate.

I appreciate that you bumped it up im always up for something like that, although didnt quite think it hit the nail on the head but it was somewhat accurate and something to do and fun & interesting.

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I just took the test. It was not that easy as 1) I had to look to my dictionary every other question and still I am not sure I got everything right and 2) I didin't agree with the fact that I could possibly answer just a Yes or No in questions that in real life can have a Yes for this situation, a No in another and a Short Of in another... For examble about question "do you prefer to do things according rules", I do, let's say when it's about an unknown area. I am not a person to risk. But when I don't think somebody is going to judge me, or if I feel I can do it my own way (even though I have not a clue how), most of the times I forget about rules and I always suceed.

But anyway I said, 'let's do it' and ...I had a INFJ personality. I don't know what it is but some professions it proposes are what I really have thought I'd like to do.

Edited by Autognosy
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  • 3 weeks later...

Just took the test.

INFJ, very accurately described.

The system building is something I agree with 100%. I can't rest until I have it all figured out. I want to map out all the thoughts and actions happening in a situation, or construct. Mathematics and psychology are precisely my cup of tea.

On the other hand I'm the guy who can't let go of analysis... very tiring and I run into trouble when people get angry and my brain wants to keep prodding the situation. Need to learn moderation :)

Also, I feel some sort of angel of retribution or defender of the meek is my symbol.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Lol I also got INFJ, however I was confused by the percentages. I got 44, 50, 12 and 44 as my percentages. Does anyone know what that means? Thanks for the link btw, I've wanted to find out what I was after learning about this test in a business course I took last year. I'd also like to explore the opposite of my result as per Finding My Way's suggestion, the ESTP, whatever that means :( I'll have to find my textbook, talks all about it. Thanks again

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Meh. Or maybe INFJ's are just more likely to take this kind of test ...

We often try to find something "bad" we can read into what type we are, but there's no "bad" to it. It's just a structure to build on, a perspective from which to look at ourselves. If you're trying to make something bad out of it, maybe that's the thing about yourself that you need to look at? :-)

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We have the same type! I need to get my percentages. I know I scored 100% introvert...

okay...I just retook it. Before therapy, I had tested ISFJ. Since therapy, I always test INFJ

only 83% introvert today.


38% feeling

33% judging

Edited by IrmaJean
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OK.... I finally took it. I'm ENFJ

You are:

moderately expressed extravert

very expressed intuitive personality

moderately expressed feeling personality

slightly expressed judging personality

I checked what I'm supposed to be when I grow up and it said counselling/psychology. Phew.....glad I got that right. I would hate to have been in the wrong career all these years and not even know it :rolleyes:

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Hey Irma, good post! I'm an INFJ too. I've taken the test before and also gotten this result. And it sounds pretty much like me.

Introverted 28%

Intuitive 62%

Feeling 62%

Judging 11%

moderately expressed introvert

distinctively expressed intuitive personality

distinctively expressed feeling personality

slightly expressed judging personality

Edited by sam2010
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