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In need of information


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Mental illness runs in my family. My father suffered from severe depression for most his life. My mother and her brother are Bipolar and recovering alcoholics and her other brother is Schizophrenic.

For years I have felt the need to call out for help but never did. Here I am seven years later and I still haven't finished college (I've been enrolled for 10 years.) The career I did have for a short time I quit because I could not handle it. I pick fights with most people around me for no reason and i don't mean to do it (I picked a fight with my best friend on her wedding day.) I constantly find myself explaining my actions to people who do not understand.

The list goes on and on and on.

I have no insurance. I am very much in debt so paying medical bills isn't much of an option. I also do not have any family/friends I can ask to help me out financially. Just wondering if there is anywhere someone like myself can go to get help. It's only getting worse and I'm not sure if I can let it go on for another year.

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If you are enrolled in a university or college, you might be eligible to meet with a psychotherapist through the student health service. Probably not for many sessions, but even a little help can be what you need sometimes.

If your college (or one near you) has a counseling graduate program, maybe they also have a psychology clinic staffed by student therapists. Accessing help through such a clinic is inexpensive, but the therapists are not super-experienced (though supervised by people who are).

Ideas to consider anyway.

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