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Reputation points

David O

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The issue of the meaning and purpose of reputation points has surfaced several times in the last few months, with some confusion, so I thought to make a suggestion.

For some folks it means little-- for others, receiving a "reputation" point implies that there's value to what has been posted. Giving points not necessarily to people we agree with, but to those whose post provides remarkable insights, helps others substantively, or significantly contributes to the health of the community-- encourages constructive posting and gives many a sense of having added value to the “family”.

I'm not so cavalier as to suggest that a reputation point has no affect on me, in fact, the opposite is true and I'll venture that it means something to most of us. Few of us are so self contained, and have achieved such a level of self esteem and self worth to the point that we are impervious to external feedback... few of us are completely immune from the power of positive feedback, and even something as insignificant as one reputation point can make the difference.

My suggestion, for those who receive valuable/useful/truly meaningful insight, support, wisdom, compassion and understanding from someone's post, is that you give that person a point of recognition and appreciation. Points are like warm and welcoming handshakes-- one can never have too many. I for one am always glad to have received a point if something I said was of value.

So please, give freely, it costs nothing and yields much.


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I wholeheartedly agree with you, David, about adding reputation.

I would also like to take the opportunity to remind everyone that if you read a post by a person with a reputation of 5, to add reputation to that person so long as they seem likely not to be a spammer, whether or not their post has special value. The first point or two is free, just so that they can get out of the New Member quarantine.

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Hello David O

Still being "up-front" :)

I like your post because it just hits an ambivalent issue head on. I totally agree with what you say and had given this some thought just the other day. I thought they could be called "friendly" points but then thought not because people with less might feel left out. I think "reputation" is as good as I can think of. You've got one from me just for being up-front (half of it is for your first post to me about my risky approach)

I think of you often


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Thank you David, that was so cool and beautifully written-- A rep. point for you :)
Thanks Cathy... you've always been the best and your wisdom and compassion always impresses me.
I would also like to take the opportunity to remind everyone that if you read a post by a person with a reputation of 5, to add reputation to that person so long as they seem likely not to be a spammer, whether or not their post has special value. The first point or two is free, just so that they can get out of the New Member quarantine.
A forgotten point I think-- thanx for raising it again
They're kinda like "warm fuzzies", aren't they? :)again!
Yes... I certainly like knowing that something I've said has made a difference. In fact, I think they are meaningful to most of those folks who invest time in listening and contributing to others on a consistent basis.
Still being "up-front" :)
Sam, Sam, Sam... and you have been remarkably persuasive, intelligent, thoughtful, iconoclastic, and an excellent voice and contributor here. Thanks for not being discouraged by my "zealous" approach. Gracias chico!:D
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I agree with you David, too. You said it well and with still being new here and accidently finding my reputation page, I sort of figured out the "whys" to the points.

I did receive a reputation point when I first joined when i answered to a very personal triggering and offensive post. Shouldn't have but did, yeah I know, the impulses caught me off guard but I still managed to angrily get my feelings across and at the same time wished this man luck with his support.

And it was then when I saw the reason for the point that I knew yes we all need some of those warm fuzzy hugs as I believe Luna said and even though I never cared about the reputation, it was then that I did see the importance of it... :(

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When you open up into a thread, you'll notice, if you're signed in, a set of very small scales of justice symbol on the upper right hand corner of everyone's post. Click on that and a small pane will drop down. There you'll see the choices.

Let me know if you have trouble.


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