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morning nerves


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Does anyone ever feel anxious and fearful as they start their day? As the day progresses, I feel better, but let me tell you, starting off is difficult. As I get up, I just wonder what lies ahead and my whole body feels weighed down with dread. Funny part is, no one would ever guess. I am sickeningly cheery on the outside, but full of doubt and fear on the inside. Any suggestions on how to start the day off with a genuine feeling of self-confidence and free of doubt? Positive thinking is a lot HARDER than it sounds!


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Guest ASchwartz

Hi Serenitynow,

Let me fully assure you that you are not at all alone in feeling this distress when you start the day or anticipate the day ahead. Probably, the moring is the worst time for everyone (or many people). As to putting on a happy face that hides what you are feeling underneath, that, too, is very common. I have heard many say that, when they go to work, they are convinced that everyone else is happy and they are the only one who is anxious and suffering. Not only patients, but, friends and family have told me the same thing. Well, you are not alone, not at all.

What I would like to suggest is that you not hide your feelings so much. What if you told some of your friends at work, even while you are smiling, "Yuck, I feel so nervous today, I just do not know why." I have suggested this to many people and find that, for some who try it, it works. You see, attempting to hide feelings can make them feel worse. Admit it and you may just find that others are feeling the same.

In the same way, ask people the same thing you asked her: "Do you feel nervous when you awaken in the morning...etc? Listen for their responses.

By the way, "morning nerves" are similar to Sunday night nerves.

How about the rest of you. What are your experiences like in the morning???


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Hi Allan & Serenitynow

Allan you already know my views on my morning nerve's. Infact, mine are all day nerve's.

Serenitynow, I can honestly relate to how you feel when you get up!

But if your like me, life goes on doesn't it? Personally, I don't think women are allowed to feel yuk! No matter how we feel, we still have to do our chores. No one else ever offer's do they?

It's a matter of having to learn to cope with the feeling's? Well it is in my case anyway!

So Serenitynow, No! Your not on your own and agree with what Allans saying. Give it a whirl and see how it goes? I'm just not that kind of person to say to anyone 'I'm feeling a bit under the whether today, how are you feeling'? I hold thing's close to my chest, regarding my innerself and how I feel! Truly feel! Which is probably a bad thing really! Because I'm not releasing my feeling's, and people are not mind reader's are they?

I hope your feeling better soon!


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I may not have morning nerves as you describe, but I do understand what it means to experience moments of dread or fear. When I wake in the morning I begin to think of outcomes and actions I want. I find it a little difficult because it's a bit like getting a train back on the tracks.

Also, I agree with Allan not to hide your feelings. Some people become more motivated when they hear colleagues are a little discouraged so they can cheer them up. It's good to group with people who compliment your characteristics.

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Yes, I agree it's not good to always hide your feelings. We do, however, have to be careful that we do not continually show misery. Many people do not like to be around an "Eeyore" type of person. But it does seem that many people have a hard time starting off their day. I keep going back to the idea of living in the "Now" because always thinking of the past and future is debilitating. For some of us, as one day ends, it is followed by regrets, and then as the next day begins, it is approached with fear. If we don't know how to control it, sometimes the mind can really act as an enemy.

Perhaps some of us assume too much responsibility for the cons associated with everyday life. The burden can be overwhelming and if we are powerless to change the outcomes, what are our choices?

Thanks everyone!

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Guest ASchwartz

Hi Serenitynow,

There are some things you can do to try and improve your morning situation: deep and relaxing breathing, meditation, exercise before work, yoga and etc. There are articles on the site on how to relieve anxiety and stress and I recommend them.

I also want to encourage others to write about their experiences with morning moods and how they do or do not cope.


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You are right that we cannot change outcomes. Sartre is known to have described people as dice. You can choose how to toss the dice, but you cannot choose the numbers which result. Yet, it is the decision to toss, and not the result of the toss, that we should relish. Thus, we should consider the possibility that for all the reasons used to explain our actions and omissions, they only cover up a truth as elementary and simple as "because we can". It's okay to come off as an Eeyore; maybe it's about time someone listened to what Eeyore has to say. :)

Basically, I tried to give the long winded version of "Just Do It". I hope you enjoy.

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I find it a little amusing how Sartre and Camus are sometimes described as optimistic authors, but it's only just now - after re-reading my post - that I understand why. To think I wanted to delete the post before I even actually posted it! Dice, I tell ya. My thanks to serenity and I'm glad you enjoyed the post.

Edited by kaudio
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