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New meds, can't stop eating!


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Can anyone advise me whether being put on new meds can make you binge eat?

After going right down in my moods, and feeling Suicidal, I decided to pay my G.P a visit. Because I was feeling really, really Depressed, and on various medication to help me deal with these issues, the truth was that I felt that they was doing me no good in the way that I was feeling? Mertazapine 45mg, Diazapam 10mg x4 times a day, Dicloflex 50mg x3 times a day.

My G.P explained to me that to find out if these meds was doing me any good or not, that I would have to reduce the dose, so I was able to be weaned of them.

We've been through this post before. To cut a long story short. I couldn't reduce the dose to enable me, to be weaned of them.

So my G.P put me on more medication. So now I'm on Mertazapine 45mg, Diazapam 10mg x4 times a day, Dicloflex 50mg x3 times a day and now, Dosulepin 150mg.

I have been taking these new meds along with my other meds, a little over a week now. I found that they have helped considerable. I am beginning to manage my mood swings again.

The problem is: I can't stop eating? I had already put on two stones in eighteen months with taking the Mertazapine. I have been attending Weight Management at my G.P's Surgery (Practice) and have been doing well. But I'm afraid that the weight that I've lost recently, will pile back on?

It's alright thinking NO! I'm not going to have anything to eat, but these hunger pangs, I can't fight! Because I suffer with Insomnia also, I am only having 3/4hrs sleep. So I don't go to bed till 4/5am and I'm up again at 8/8.30am. So I'm eating a lot more than if I was sleeping normally!

Could anyone advise me, whether it has anything to do with these new meds that I have been prescribed? And if so, what can be done about it?

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Guest ASchwartz

Hi Paula,

I am not a medical doctor and cannot make any specific comments about medications because I am simply not qualified. However, in general, I know that a new medication can produce side effect like what you are describing. You really need to talk to your doctor as soon a possible. That is what I Always told my patients when the expressed any questions and or doubts about medicines and side effects. Talk to your doctor ASAP.


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Cheers for that Allan, I'm due to go on Monday lunch anyway. Will mention then.

Will take me all weekend to pluck the courage up to see him anyway!

I hate these times when I've got to attend my Appointments! I'm always a wreck by the time I get there, and then I just fall to pieces! I always feel drained! As if it's really took it's toll on me? Probably has. It's a pity that they couldn't really dope me up so as not to get so Anxious and worked up!

I even take Two of my Diazapam 10mg, before I go and they don't do anything for me. They probably do, but I can't see it? Dread to think what I'd be like going drug free? Probably wouldn't be able to handle it. I'm having trouble now and I've not even got there yet!

Thanks anyhow!

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Mertazapine 45mg

Hi Paula, Mertazapine, also spelled Mirtazapine is the generic of Remeron. I have experience with Remeron. I could not stop eating! I gained lots of weight. So I got off of it and this side effect went away. I would make a phone call to your doctor immediately. It is a problem now for you I am sure. A psychiatrist is better at knowing these things than GP's I would think. Good luck to you.

Edited by WinterSky
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Thanks for that Wintersky. I'm at my Docs on Monday anyhow, so I'll have a word!

Yeah! the amount that I'm eating is unbelievable? I've even bought all low calorie stuff, thinking that if I'm binge eating then at least it's not as bad as binge eating on full fat food is it! I might be eating twice as much but its all low calorie stuff!

I know that doesn't excuse the fact that I'm eating twice the amount, but what bother's me is:

1 - even though I've been on Mertazapine for 14 month's. My weight has plumeted by two stones in that 14 months.

2 - I have mentioned my concerns to my G.P previously, and he has told me that I shouldn't be listening to people on a forum site, and everybody is different? I've even copied my post of this site and took them in for him to see. But he's having none of it?

3 - I have explained to him that I can't see people on this site, giving me the wrong advice as they don't even know me, let alone what I look like?

4 - I'm only in my second week at trying another Anti-Depressant as well as the mertazapine 45mg, which is called Dosulepin 150mg. I have to take them both together, and it's since I've had to take that I've noticed that I can't stop eating! It was bad enough with only taking the Mertazapine, but now with taking the Dosulepin as well, I really don't know where I'm going to end up?

5 - What am I going to do if he say's it's all in my head?

Ant feedback would be much appreciated! Thank you. :eek:

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1 - even though I've been on Mertazapine for 14 month's. My weight has plumeted by two stones in that 14 months.

Do you mean plummeted or an actual increase in weight?

2 - I have mentioned my concerns to my G.P previously, and he has told me that I shouldn't be listening to people on a forum site, and everybody is different? I've even copied my post of this site and took them in for him to see. But he's having none of it?

Well he should know something about remeron in that it can cause folks to gain weight and increase their appetite. If he does not then I would get a second opinion. Also, are you paying for the weight management thing at your GP's office? If you are, I would for sure get a second opinion.

5 - What am I going to do if he say's it's all in my head?

Go to this site and show him the information you found on the internet. Also, talk to your pharmacist and obtain information from him/her. If he still does not listen to you, if it were me, I'd say take me off of the remeron! Here's the links you can read for yourself. He is right in that one should not depend on others in a forum for information. You must read this information for yourself and understand for yourself. The NIH is an American Government agency here in the US (I am not sure where you are) which stands for the National Institute for Health.

Other links to NIH:

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Thanks for that Wintersky, I looked up the info & it was brilliant! I've made a copy to take to my doc's on Monday. Would love to see the look on his face when I give it to him!

What I meant by plummeted is: Weight gain! I see where your coming from, regards the side affects!

Must admit though, something strange happened to me today.

I woke up at usual time, about 8ish. I suffer Insomnia. I got up, made a cup of drinking chocolate, I always have a drink of drinking chocolate in the mornings. It's the only hot drink I have in a day. Anyway, I had that, with a couple of cigarettes, and then I started to roll some cigarettes. Usually, after rolling my cigarettes, I start to get ready and start to clean the house.

When I stood up to start, a feeling came all over me. Like drained, very tired! At first I put it down to not having much sleep! Then, after about an hour, this feeling was still with me. I thought that maybe if I get up and move around, then I will start to feel a bit more lively? But no! I am still having trouble with this drained feeling! I don't know what it is?

I am wondering whether it has got anything to do with these new med's that I've been put on? I've been on these meds now, a little over a week. It's worrying me because today is Saturday, and the docs is closed till Monday. I don't want to phone the Docs up as they forward your call to the emergency centre, and I would not put this in the emergency line.

I might be alright tomorrow? What do you reckon I do if I'm not?

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Actually I have experience with diazepam. The brand name is Valium. You can find additional information here on NIH's site. It is a mild sedative in the class anti-anxiety (benzodiazepines) and ought to help you relax. It also helps with panic attacks which is why I use klonopin, another benzo.

I do not remember Valium, but I remember when I first started on Xanax (another benzo), my doctor recommended taking a half tablet for starters and that was plenty. After awhile they become ineffective and an increase would be in order.

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I've been thinking some more about your situation. I am not a professional. I am only someone who has been there. I attempted to help in a post that I think might possibly could have been interpreted as impolite and I want to apologize for that. I meant no offense. I deleted it. Before my psychiatrist would trust me with sleeping pills, he provided me with anti-anxiety medication.

I suggest if you have any other questions to call your pharmacist. But I do not think you need to worry. I searched for your other med and appears to be in the UK only. And I am not familiar with any good UK sites.

Good luck. :P

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Hi Wintersky

Thanks for your reply's

This is proving to be a great concern for me. Yesterday, I could hardly keep my eyes open all day and night!

Today I got up and again, am experiencing difficulties in trying to stay awake! I just feel so drained and tired all the time! When I try to walk, my legs feel like jelly. I am not experiencing any light headidness or sickness feeling though. Yet!

I find that my mood is one of that I don't want to be bothered with anyone/anything. Just want to be left alone in peace.

I have decided to not take any more of the Dosulepin, and will tell my G.P on my visit to see him tomorrow. That's if I make it? The way that I'm feeling at the moment, I haven't even got the energy to get up, washed and ready. It doesn't help that I'm not even in the right frame of mind either!

Please excuse me if it is taking longer than usual to reply to your post!

Thanks again!

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Can you get someone to drive you to the GP? Have you tried speaking with your pharmacist about the Dosulepin? What do you know about it? I know that it feels like you have no doctor because yours is not responding to you. I recommend doing a little research on Dosulepin before making any hasty judgements on it.

For what it' worth, I started taking depakote a few weeks ago and also started taking klonopin 1mg three times a day. I was sleeping all the time. But it cured another problem I had. I immediately thought it was the depakote. I started to decrease the klonopin because of the sleeping all the time. Then this other problem I thought was cured came back. So I am taking more klonopin.

I do not recommend going against your doctor's advice unless he/she has given you the flexibility to do so, which my doctor has. Please keep in mind that anti-anxiety meds can be very addictive.

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Hi Wintersky

I have just got in from a visit with my doctor.

After a stressfull morning, regarding my visit with my G.P, I finally got there to see him. I hate going to see him as I get all agitated and Anxious, then start paniking and forget what I've gone there in the first place for? All's that is on my mind is trying to get out of there and back home.

Anyway, I went in to see him and informed him of the way that I've been feeling of late by a letter, as I knew I wouldn't be able to talk to him with the state that I alway's get myself into?

In the letter, it also explained about the way that I've been eating of late. But because of all the panick and being frustrated, I forgot to take the information that I got printed out on Mertazapine. I couldn't mention anything because I didn't think till I came home.

He explained why I have been feeling the way that I have! You'll never guess what I've been doing like the idiot that I am! I've only been slowly overdosing myself on the medication! He said that I was to of weaned myself of the Mertazapine in the first week and only took 75mg of Dosulepin in the first week then cut out the Mertazapine completely in the second week and then start on the 150mg of Dosulepin. Well I've been taking Mertazapine 45mg & Dosulepin 150mg all at once on top of Vallium 10mg x4 daily and Dicloflex 50mg x3 daily. He said that he wasn't surprised that I couldn't keep my eyes open for more than half an hour at a time.He said that I'm lucky that I had an Appointment to see him when I did?

Now I've got to take half of the mertazapine tonight & tomorrow night with 75mg of Dosulepin tonight and tomorrow night. Then, I just take the Dosulepin 150mg Wednesday night and NO Mertazapine. He said that I should be alright taking my other meds along with them.

What an Idiot I've been! He should know better anyway. He know's I'm Dyslexic. Anyway just thought I'd let you know. & thanks for everything!

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Guest ASchwartz

Hi Paula,

Well, don't beat up on your self. It is easy for the person who is the patient to get medications mixed up. I have done it myself. That is the reason it's best to check with the doctor whenever there are side effects.

Now you know what to do and should start feeling better. Good work.


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Thanks Allan

Can't help feeling like an idiot though!

He wasn't impressed that I just stopped taking the Dosulepin. He reckon's that it could of put me in a Manic Depression mode. Feel like I'm not far from that now!

Ooooooooh Alan! I just feel such a fool! To think that I've been trying to slowly overdose myself? I mean, If I wanted to OD I would of done it proper! Ha! only kidding!

No seriously! He shouldn't of gone up the wall at me like he did? Fancy giving me instructions to take my own medication. That's like putting a chocolate fireguard in front of the fire! The Instructions should of been printed out and put on the tablets. Infact he should of only prescribed the adequate amount of tablets required shouldn't he. No wonder I'm a nervous wreck at going there. Now you can understand why?

Thanks anyway

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Hi Paula-

I am sorry and worried to hear about your changes. However, you shouldn't just stop taking your medications on your own. Some need to be decreased over time because stopping all of the sudden can be harmful (or at least make you feel worse). Please call the doctor who prescribed the med and ask him her to help.

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Awe thanks Nataliefor your concern! & Thanks to everyone who shown their concern. It really has been appreciated!

Natalie, I went to see my doctor today. Not because I wanted to, but because I had too! I really got worried there for a while! I don't know, I thought something seriously was wrong with me. Especially since I couldn't keep my eyes open ALL W/END. I'd gone from one extreme, having insomnia to the other, not being able to stay awake!

My Doctor wasn't very impressed with me! Because he head put me on new Anti-Depressants, he told me to wean myself of the Mertazapine over a weekly period with taking only 75mg of the Dosulepin, then take no more Mertazapine in the second week and go on 150mg of the Dosulepin. Well...... I couldn't remember what he said? So I had been taking my Mertazapine 45mg along with my Dosulepin 150mg & Diazapam 10mg x4 daily & Dicloflex 50mg x3 daily. He said he wasn't surprised that I couldn't keep my eyes open. He said that I had been slowly overdosing on all the meds that I'd been taking! I didn't do it on purpose! He should know better anyway. He knows I'm Dyslexic. Well that's my excuse! Honest Natalie, I couldn't remember what he said? Well I've paid for it all over the w/end haven't I?

He had a other doctor come in and give me the third degree, took my blood pressure, and I've got to go back on Thursday for some more blood test & to be checked out again. that's as well as going back nxt Monday to see how I'm doing?

I can well do without all these visits to the docs in the first place! they give me the creeps! I get myself that worked up and end up sweating bucket fulls and then start shaking. Natalie. How long will I have to keep going back to the docs for these checks! The thought just terrifies me! Honest!

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Hmm. Although im sure medication and so on helps many, but some stuff u cant miracly fix by taking pills etc. In my opinion it can weaken people to much at times, making you hooked on fake blizz and so on. So when u dont get ur medication it just feel like falling down the stairs. At times people got to face the horrors. I feel with you paula ,but its just me who dont trust pills. You mention little sleep. Little sleep can also make you very very hungry. I have also had a lot of trouble sleeping for sevreal years(about 8years i ges). Few tip from me that seemed to help me sometimes.

1 doing complex mathematic in your brain. surly makes my brain tired after a while and it gets easyer sleeping.

2. Buy a fan, or something with a humming sound. I sleep much better with my fan on and cant understand what im supposed to do without it:).

3. Cold air makes me sleep better.

4. Watching tv while/before you sleep. Also helped me sometimes.

I ges my main reason i cant sleep is cause my brain dont wanna shut up:).

I admit i havent read evrything here, but do you have a simliar problem?.That you got trouble turning off the brain?.

Like many here ive been in the deepest dark with the depression. And to be honest i think i would be a complete mess if i started taking pills. Although insanly hard, but overtime i was forced to deal with my feelings and coop with the reality. Over the years i gained more and more controll over my body. (Dident have a option either). However i dont like where it has pushed me too. When you get abused psychological over long time your skin(soul if you like) gets colder, colder, harder, harder. Now for a strange sentence. I feel more and more like i feel nothing. Yet i cry and care. But it has made me a lot colder. In anycase, something thats very true.

The brain does what it need to do, to survive.

I know this is a lot of self talk, but its the best way for me to understand you. To relate with things in my life.

Good luck to you paula. Keep the spirit up:).

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Hi Ronny, cheers for your reply!

Yeh! I have trouble sleeping? And yeh, my brain just won't switch off! My body's knackered but my brain is ticking all the time. Am I making sense? Do you understand where I'm coming from? I think you do?

Because I suffer from Manic Depression, and often get Suicidal thought's! I am on Anti-Depressants. I also suffer Anxiety, Insomnia, Panick Attack's and am Dyslexic. So...... you see This world isn't treating me fairly? But musn't grumble, there's a lot worst of than me! SHIT HAPPEN'S DOESN'T IT!

I'm not the kind of person to lie in bed watching T.V. I don't watch it through the day, so I'm not going to lie in bed watching it. Regards the mathematical situation. I am struggling with Numeracy to begin with! I attend a evening class every week to help me deal with this issue. I can see where your coming from though?

A fan? That's defonately out of the question! I'm one of these girls who check's if not once but a thousand times, making sure everything is turned off, of a night time? I'd be to worried incase it set on fire or something, through the night while I was sleeping/when I was sleeping? It would be just my luck that this would happen to? No! Can do without that adding to my worries, thank you very much! Nice thought though!

I can honestly say though, that without the pill's that I take, I'd don't think that I'd be here now? They help me considerably on dealing with my ailment's. I would dread to think what state I'd be in without them? :eek:

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Im surpised. This is all weird in so many ways. Unlike others you seem to actualy spend to much time looking at urself, to put words on evrything you feel. Wich is not always a good thing, you get to caught up in words and ther meaning and how to define urself. You say you are suicidal yet u care about the little things, wich is odd too. Me personaly think you accepted evrything and quit fighting, of course u fight daily and struggle with things, but at the same time you given up. Let me give u and example.

I had asthma when i was younger but i never accepted it. I went to soccer games, running around crazy and playing soccer. Of course i had trouble breathing, but why i should i let a condition stop me from doing what i want. I was close to faint many times after intence running, but i stoped took a breath and started running again. I never accepted i had asthma and dident realise i had it after it was gone. Either i denied i had it, or never took the time to look on myself why it was this way, why do i problem breathing?. When i quit soccer when i was 13 i have never had any asthma related problems again.

So i think it would be actualy good for you to look more on tv. to get a little distance from urself. Cause people can drive themself insane :) i know it far to well.

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Hi Ronny

Don't think that I'm being rude but, that you've written has gone right over my head :confused: Your not by any chance Psychic are you?

Correction, I said that I get Suicidal! At the moment I'm fine!

You say you are suicidal yet u care about the little things, wich is odd too. Me personaly think you accepted evrything and quit fighting, of course u fight daily and struggle with things, but at the same time you given up

There's no point in fighting! I'm not going to win! How can you win something over when you've been trying for years? Don't get me wrong, I was a fighter but found that I was getting nowhere? At the end of the day there's only one winner, and I'm afraid that's not me! Not in these curcumstances anyway!

I suppose in one way I am a fighter! Because I'm still here arn't I. :)

So i think it would be actualy good for you to look more on tv. to get a little distance from urself. Cause people can drive themself insane i know it far to well.

I don't watch T.V because personally, it is all crap that's on it? I've got better thing's to do with my life like sending this post :D

Also, all you ever see on T.V is how someone has murdered someone and the Goverment this, and poverty all over the world? I've got enough problem's of my own without worrying about everybody else's!

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Hi Ronny

Don't think that I'm being rude but, that you've written has gone right over my head :confused: Your not by any chance Psychic are you?

Not that i know off:). But i read people easly, however its a lot more diffycult over the web then in reality, so simple to lie on the net. In the reality a bit more diffycult. (however i belive you are honest with me, mostly at least).

Hi Ronny

There's no point in fighting! I'm not going to win! How can you win something over when you've been trying for years? Don't get me wrong, I was a fighter but found that I was getting nowhere? At the end of the day there's only one winner, and I'm afraid that's not me! Not in these curcumstances anyway!

I suppose in one way I am a fighter! Because I'm still here arn't I.

Depends how u look at things. In my opinion You are victories evry day you are able to stay alive. To endure whats going on in ur life and not end life by urself. Even how brutal and harsh things can look at times, people should try to enjoy life as much as they can in ther situastion.

Hi Ronny

I don't watch T.V because personally, it is all crap that's on it? I've got better thing's to do with my life like sending this post

Also, all you ever see on T.V is how someone has murdered someone and the Goverment this, and poverty all over the world? I've got enough problem's of my own without worrying about everybody else's!

I just thought it would be better hearing some other voices then the voices in ur head. Wich the tv f.e is a great tool to keep things a little more quiet up in the head :P, no matter whats On the tv.

Yes im quite aware how confusing i can be at times. But people are confusing, most dont know why they think or act the way they do. Nor aware of it. However its not so confusing to me.

We carry scares from past to the future that we reapet both bad/good behavior even though we dont want too. We also forget to live in the now. past or future constantly trouble us. We all get born with a belive, dosent realy matter what kind. As long as we belive in something. Belive gives hope, since the human nature is quite destructive we need it badly. Sad thing is we even kill for it. We always like to think we know better then others, we often likes to point out errors in evryone els but to look on our self, most of us ignore it.

Hmm i think i must shut up, i could go on for days.(actualy deleted a lot of it. cause u cant describe evrybody with a few lines. Cause we humans can be quite complex).

In anycase i belive you are able to... well cure urself. Deffnetly a lot of it. Even though you dont belive it. (i have faith in you) :) . What you realy need is a diffrent perspective to look on things. Something thats quite hard doing by yourself though(unless u have an Epiphany). Cause your inside is in chaos.



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Hi Ronny

Thanks for getting back to me.

I don't know, there's something about you that I like. Can't quite put my finger on it! But it will come to me? Probably because your so honest with me. Your so up front and that's what I like. I am getting what I see, and that's how it should be. You see, That's what I'm like. Very straight forward. but I tell you what I think! Not what I pretend to think?

Probably why a lot of people don't think much of me. But I don't care! At least I'm not calling you behind your back! If I've got something to say, then I say it. My problem is, saying it in the right nature.

I've only just grasps on that, of Mark. And he's right. I should learn how to say something in a nice and positive way instead of being so abrubt all the time and maybe then people will appreciate me for who I am and not what I am? Not that I am of some body anyway!

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Hi Ronny

Thanks for getting back to me.

I don't know, there's something about you that I like. Can't quite put my finger on it! But it will come to me? Probably because your so honest with me. Your so up front and that's what I like. I am getting what I see, and that's how it should be. You see, That's what I'm like. Very straight forward. but I tell you what I think! Not what I pretend to think?!

Well we seem to have something in commen then:), around my circut or what to call it im known for beeing brutaly honest yet supportive. Im also more honest then anyone i know.

Hi Ronny

Probably why a lot of people don't think much of me. But I don't care! At least I'm not calling you behind your back! If I've got something to say, then I say it. My problem is, saying it in the right nature.

I've only just grasps on that, of Mark. And he's right. I should learn how to say something in a nice and positive way instead of being so abrubt all the time and maybe then people will appreciate me for who I am and not what I am? Not that I am of some body anyway!

Yes this is quite a tricky thing. Cause at times you just have to be brutaly honest and at other times you have to be kindly honest. You have to look at the person you are talking too, And think. What can i do to help he/she the best way i can. If a person is quite aggresiv and mad he/she will not lissen to calm honesty, you actualy got to yell to them to get trough(in most cases. people are so diffrent so nothing goes for evryone). If the person is quite fragile and vulnerable you have to take it slow and easy. The very best thing is to be cunning actualy, to send a message to someone in a conversation without them even recognize it. So that they can figure it out themself and manage to help themself. In that way, they will get more confident, trust in themself and get a higher enlightenment. You got to move carefully in these kinds of things.

Kinda go more and more off topic, but oh well:)

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