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Weekend get-together


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Weekends are so quiet around here. Over weekends, loneliness seems to get worse because we think everyone else is off somewhere having a life. When we think, well, at least we can come here and it even happens here, that’s depressing. At least it feels so to me.

So here’s a thread for those of us around on the weekend. Please drop in and post whatever you like, serious, sad, funny or ridiculous. Post about yourself and how you feel, or anything you want to discuss, or anything, really.

I’ll start.

I saw my pdoc and psychologist yesterday; I see them 3-monthly. My pdoc says I should stay on all four of my meds. I had hoped to be able to reduce them. :) My psychotherapist told me all about mindfulness therapy and how it helps for all kinds of conditions, especially mood disorders. I am going to give it a bash; he gave me a handout with exercises. I might start another thread about it elsewhere.

Weather’s nice, not too hot. It’s summer here.

What’s going on in your head? :D

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gooood morning, Luna!!!! :)

I am coming alive by means of my morning coffee. :) It is around 4 degrees (F) out, and we are expecting..... snow!!!

Inside my head is a crash of thoughts trying to organize....processing a very overstimulating week of child development quandaries... knowing I'll never have it all figured out, but have to do my best anyway...

I managed a zentangle last weekend! :D


Morning Finding! :) That first cup of morning coffee - ah, simple pleasures. :D I got the time wrong this morning, as my alarm clock had reset itself - I couldn't fall asleep and got up when I thought it was 5am. I went to make coffee and the clock there said midnight? The cats grabbed the chance and acted like it was 5am so I fed them before realising. (They tried again at 5am!) Went back to bed but couldn't sleep anyway. At 3am I got my first cup of coffee. :)

Good luck with processing that hectic-sounding week. My daughter has ordered some Zentangle coasters, so I have 8 to do. :) For those who are interested, here is info about zentangles.


Zentangle coasters!!!!!! How very cool :D

Oh cats are the opportunists, alright! :) My rescue cat likes to help himself to everyone else's food, and yells out no matter what the hour:rolleyes:

As predicted, here is the snnnnnnooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!


I'm here, but can't stay long at the moment. I'll give a very quick rundown.

Just deleted more spam...

I feel like I went 12 rounds with a heavyweight this AM. Lots of snow=very busy store. Busy store=lots of work.

I haven't shoveled this much in about 10 years.

Currently, I'm researching online in order to answer my next discussion question for class. I guess I'd better go and catch up there. Hopefully I'll be back later. :)

Good morning from here. Happy weekend.


Hey all.

I just thought I'd drop in after my breakfast (yes, it's 10 am, why do you ask?)

For me, weekends are not so much about having a life, but about resting and groceries and such. I'm not that busy at work, but it still seems like an infinite treadmill during the week.

So, I'm just taking a quick trip through, responding where I have brain cells for it. I'm sorry you had a rough night, Loony. I vote we post Zentangles for all to see.


I'm on call but it's been pretty quiet so far. Puppy is in his kennel so the cats can have some quality time. -25 outside!!! -40 something with wind chill. I felt like an icicle after feeding the horses this morning!!!!


MINUS 25????? Didn't know you were in Siberia, danni! :eek: Oh wait, is that Fahrenheit? Not Celcius?

Yes, I nuked some more casino spammers today, too. They've broken through our first line of defence. :)

So danni, your dog and cats don't play nicely together?

Well, so far there have actually been quite a few people around this weekend! Anyone else out there? :)


Yes... It's -25 Feirenheit!!!! BRRRRRRRRRR.........

The pup and the cats like each other but the puppy energy can be a little overwhelming for them at times.


Did someone say food??? :)

I would keep the diary, ken, you will be glad to keep such a precious thing of hers, a special part of her. Honour the conflict you feel, but keep it for the future. Well, just my 2c.

The scary symptoms were from the Geodon withdrawal. It's powerful stuff. Anyway, I am just taking it now. Being the good, compliant, little patient. :)

Good to see you around :)


K, I can see how this would be conflicting for you. As I was thinking about it, I wasn't sure how best to respond. I imagine you have to balance your own feelings about it and see what fits best. You respect T's privacy, but you'd also like to read her thoughts. If reading it would cause you more guilt than comfort in the moments of connection with T's spirit, than perhaps it is best to wait on it. If it is painful to not read and you are denying yourself this small comfort, perhaps then go ahead and read.

I experienced something along these lines (though clearly not the same) when I was asked whether I wished to keep my mother's wedding ring after her death. At the time, something about taking the ring off her finger felt very wrong and so I decided not to. I think now it would have been nice to have had that small piece of her still with me to hold onto and connect with. I denied myself the comfort.

What would T want? Whatever you decide, K, I hope you find peace with it.

Guess I got off track...

Pass on the pretzels.

I have to go food shopping. Blech.


Any one got a beer to go with those pretzels?? I have never had homemade ones!! I am imagining they are very good, and my mouth is watering.

Current temp here is 5F. But once the sun goes down you don't want to be out, cause you will get a bite on your nose!! Temp is supposed to drop to -25 ish with a wind chill bringing it to down right fridged.

Anyway I am struggling today, and do many weekends b/c my hubby is home but he still doesn't help with anything. He is always running around doing his own projects. I almost wish that he was a sports fan, at least than he would be in a constant place and my son could bug him. Oh well, live goes on.

At least during the week, he is at work so it isn't a constant reminder of how preoccupied he is. I am struggling with dealing with my childhood stuff, and it is bringing up alot of anger stuff. Although I don't consider myself an angry person, it seems like sometimes I have to do all I can to not go down and strangle some people (my mother). I hope everyone elses weekend is going good!!

Weekends are so quiet around here. Over weekends, loneliness seems to get worse because we think everyone else is off somewhere having a life. When we think, well, at least we can come here and it even happens here, that’s depressing. At least it feels so to me.

Thats so funny, I was thinking the same thing when I was here last night. It was like it was me and a bunch of people like agsfsfsgsgdf,ajaahshshshj.

Weather’s nice, not too hot. It’s summer here.

I so envy you, It is like 18 degrees right now where I'm at and my hands are freezing as Im typing this. I wish I was outside in the sun somewhere:) in a couple more months I guess, I cant wait.


That sounds stressful and upsetting, Chatterbox. :( You're going through all of this and not having support at home would have to make it that much harder.

Linda, the stress tests are no fun...I had one some years ago for the chest pain I was having. I hope your tests come back clean. Wishing you well.

I want to make mention of the spam that has been going on. If anyone sees this type of post and there are no mods around to delete, please report the post.

It's supposed to drop to 10 below here tonight and I have to get up at 2:30 AM for work. Really wish I had that car starter now. I love sitting out in the car and watching all of the smoke billowing out of the chimney. Can't wait for the cold. :o


It's now Sunday, well here anyway. :)

Who is around today? We'll give you Americans a chance to sleep in a bit :D but do pop in here when you wake up. Flip the switch on the front of the machine to brew coffee. Ken's bagel pretzels will be here shortly. :D


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