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Recovery from Schizophrenia? A survivor writes...


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When I was misdiagnosed as having schizophrenic traits a few years ago I scoured the web to find some grain of hope that there was a cure and that it was something you could recover from. I found two websites from survivors after hundreds (maybe 1,000+) search results. I'd like to share this gem with you. This is an account written by a lady named Tracey May. In her statement she said she recovered from Schizophrenia and found it was just a mental disorder and not a brain illness. For those seeking hope, this may be what you are needing. She says Schizophrenia is developed by denial of severe abuse and so forth. Read on if this intrigues you...

RECOVERY IS POSSIBLE by Tracey May (there's many archives of this article)

Tracey's 2001 website (what happened to her book project remains a mystery). It includes her take on the language of Schizophrenia.

And an archived article about her recovery.

Out of all the sites I found only two people who said they had recovered. The other was a woman in her 70's who wrote her memoir down and published it to a site. I may still have the site saved to a computer but it'd be hard to find again. The older woman's testimony was similar to Tracey's.

As always, this is just one person's point of view but it may be of some assistance to somebody here...


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