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What do I do?

Verbally abused?

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I am just looking to all of you for some opinions, thoughts, guidance.

How do you sort through all the mixed thoughts and emotions in your mind and body? It is hard for me to figure all of this out. Currently, due to lack of employment and finances, resources this is my only therapy. So any of your thoughts will be helpful I'm sure!

It is hard for me to decide or figure out what I am feeling from one minute to the next. One minute, I am bawling, thinking the people around me would be much happier and better off if I weren't here, and the next minute I am just so angry I want to throw something.......then about ten minutes later, I am laughing about something! I feel like I need to work on me before I can make any solid decision about wheather or not to leave my husband after 13 years of marriage.

Please, people give me whatever you can!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello, VA,

I'm sorry nobody answered your question :( and I can't do it either :o... It's probably because it's so hard to say something when we don't know any details about this (yours) issue and also because it is actually a very hard question. However, writing here more about you could help you; be explaining to us how you feel, what can trigger which emotion, ... could also help yourself to better figure out... I see that you're doing something like this on you blog. Does it help a bit? :o

Also, I think reading about others and how they struggle can be an inspiration sometimes...

I wish you good luck!!!


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