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I live in 2 different worlds simultaneously


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I have made my introduction in the new members section...if you want, you can check out my thread there to get an intro, but I will try to sum up my situation here.

Since I was between 10 and 12 years old, I have had what some people may refer to as 'imaginary friends.' I don't like to refer to them like that, because they are actually quite real to me. And they're not all my friends, either. I've met literally hundreds of people in this other life of mine. Some have been consistent, many have been in passing. Each of them has unique personalites, voices, and characteristics. I am 21 now, and these people are just as present today as they were back then. I have friends and family, I don't think I'm terribly awkward, and I have a boyfriend. However, I'm the only one who can see and hear this whole other world around me.

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Guest ASchwartz

Hi Silent,

What you describe are referred to as halluciations)seeing or hearing things only you can hear and see) and delusions(thoughts only you have). Usually, if these things do not bother a person and they are able to work and have loving relationships, as with your boyfriend, then, it's okay for you. If the voices, etc, scare you, tell you to hurt or kill yourself, tell you to kill or hurt others, then, you need to get help. Some people find the voices to be very friendly and even reassuing. What do you think?


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Thanks for replying Allan. My acquaintences in my second world never tell me to hurt myself or others, or anything like that. But there are those "out to get me" and I've had close encounters with them in the past. Lately its been pretty calm.

I will try to describe "categories," if you will, of people in this world. I have a family. A father, a mother, and a sister who is 2 years older than me. I look like my father, my sister looks like our mother. There are many family friends and acquaintences. Some of them are as close as family to me, others are neutral. Some of them I actually don't like, but I remain civil around them anyway. I have already described my closest confidant in my introductory thread. I have a handful of friends that are around my age who I met in school, and they are among the first I became acquainted with when this started. And then there are the ones I described earlier as "out to get me." They don't like that I am an intermediary between these worlds.

It feels good to talk about this. So far I've only described the tip of the iceberg. I would welcome questions from anyone here, to help me get more in touch with what is going on.

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One more thing...I don't just "hear voices." Every time I have interactions with these people, I see them in person. If they are present when I'm around normal people, I can communicate with them with my mind. They still speak aloud because I'm the only one who can hear them. Damn I sound crazy! lol

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Ok. I actually explained that wrong. Oh, and I think "world 1 and world 2" feel more accurate to me than "life 1 and life 2". Pretty much everyone in world 2 knows of world 1, but most are unaware that a person can exist in both of them. Supposedly there have been other people in the world who are "in the middle" like me, but they are very rare and I haven't met any.

If there is something going on in world 2 which would require my presence, but something comes up in world 1, I will always be present in world 1. For instance, if I'm supposed to meet with some people in world 2 at 8 pm, but my family in world 1 wants me to join them for a movie, I will end up spending that time in world 1. Most people who are close to me in world 2 understand that world 1 comes first, because I can't afford for arouse suspicion in world 1.

I haven't been told of anything that might unfold in time. Of course, I have had my own thoughts about the possibility of my 2 worlds combining, but I highly doubt that will ever happen because it's been this way for all of history.

I can't say that there are things hidden in world 1 that pertain to world 2. When I go to world 2, I am alone and my surroundings "transform" into world 2. More like being transported into an alternate reality than anything hidden...if that makes sense.

I am a full time college student in world 1 (the "real" world). I'm going into the medical field, so studying tends to take up a lot of my time, and I take it very seriously and get good grades in all my classes. World 2 does not negatively interfere with this at all. Sometimes I will even do my homework in world 2, and my friends there might even help me study.

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I am very comforable with this world, and my goal is not to get rid of these "hallucinations" and "delusions." I only want to better understand what has been happening with me all these years.

The talk that takes place...hmm. Pretty much the same type of talk anyone might have with family, friends, and acquaintences. About my life, their lives, serious conversations, and light-hearted conversations.

In world 2, my family deals will official business regarding our world. I don't want to say that we are political or royal, and we do not consider ourselves to be in a higher class than anyone else, but the work we do is comparable to that. So naturally, some of my participation in world 2 includes ambassador-like duties. My parents take care of most of this. My sister is more involved than I am because she is a little older than me.

I am always learning new things about world 2, just like I am about world 1. There are other families like mine ("ambassadors" for lack of a better word). Not all of them are like mine. Many of them do consider themselves to be in a higher class than others. I am acquainted with many people such as highly specialized professionals in a variety of fields and military officers. Some of these people are currently working with me to try and link our world (world 2) to others apart from world 1.

This is not an "after death" realm. The people there are very much alive and exist in the present. They also age, just as I do.

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Each individual in world 2 has their own life. Each has their own relationships, history, profession, etc.

As for my ambassador-like duties...they include working on trade agreements, keeping relationships between our peoples on good terms, charity work, etc.

In world 2, my family does discuss this. They are not intermediaries, they only exist in world 2.

No one in world 2 is someone you would find in world 1. Looks, names, etc, they are all original to world 2. I am familiar with the tiniest features of the people I encounter on a regular basis. The shape of their nose and eyes, freckles they might have, lines in their forehead, etc. Some professions you might also find in world 1, others are specific to world 2.

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