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Why in-patient help is not worth it.

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I've just been reading posts of folks here who don't get help (including myself) because of the lack of beds and treatment programs for those with mental illness. But it is my understanding that you have to have an addiction to get any treatment at all. And also in order to be admitted, you have to be a threat to yourself or others.


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I would rather die than go back to the psyc unit I was in. It made me feel like a lost dog with no place for a home. They did nothing for me and were not even concerned when I did not eat at all while I was there. I was so frightened it made things worse when I came out. And that is what I am dealing with now. ALONE

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I have been In Patient Hospitalizations too many times to count. In my teen years I lived in them... For a couple years graduating to a State hospital.. Anyway, then there were several after that.

The ones that seem to be the better ones were the kind that had "stuff to do" WE went to actually art classess, and swimming, got to keep busy, not just sit there and watch tv and smoke, not feel loony, or sit around all day and smoke.

There was a routine, but most of us did not remember it from day to day, that did not matter, at least we had stuff to do. Of course we all had a therapist, and a psych . IF I ever did end up back in one again, I'd like to bring my service dog , Yorkie. with me. I'd be lost without her. I'd be lost anyway. I do hate those places , and never ever want to go there again.

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I was forced to go once and stayed the 3 days it was a bad point and I try to forget it alot. Nothing really was done there I think it was more just to keep a eye on me and keep me from being alone. It didn't change anything in that momet for me but I did calm down enough to be more clear. Looking back it probibly was a good thing in that moment because I was not in control. I think I find it hard thinking about it because I was in a emotional chaotic fog and I can't remember what all I said and did or even how they came to admit me. I think there should have been more treatment in there but I guess I was not really in a state that could have done much anyway.

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