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A different calling.....


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I often hear people say that they just can't take life anymore. For me it is not that way. For me it is the allure of death, the siren call of a peaceful resting place. I have nothing in my life to run from, I just can't stop thinking of a beautiful death. I long for it and it is getting harder to resist. I am on the road today and the call is so strong. Any advice for somebody in deep?

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From what you wrote in the "New members" forum, I'd say that the allure of death is anyway here only because you "can't take life", although you deny it. You have great family and job and are probably a good dad and good worker, so maybe that's why you feel that "life is good, just you want something different" (so, logically death). But from what you wrote about your anxiety, it seems that you're seeking that peaceful resting place because you're in an emotional distress. If I'm wrong, please try to explain me why - what do I miss.

We're strongly tempted by something that could offer (at least in our imagination) something that we need very much. In your case, it's the peace, the rest, the end of all the fears, stress, pains, ... The only "place" where you see this is death. However, that's only your imagination of the death - you cannot know what exactly suicide attempt would bring. But you can know what it would take to you and your family! It would take everything, not only the fears and pains. So why wouldn't you look for an alternative solution which would take away only the anxiety and the distress, but not your life - and the important, beloved person to your family?

I wrote more in the "new member's forum"...

I hope we'll hear from you soon...

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