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So I simply have to ask, has anybody here been involved with/considered cuckolding?

Obviously humiliation has its dangers, but I wonder if anybdoy has sort of consigned himself to the idea that his only hope to have anything resembling a sexual relationship with a woman is in a submissive role. It seems like it would be a natural fit considering some of the defining characteristics of SPS as provided by this site. (Inverse narcisissm, seeing women as universally castigating and hateful, mistrusting any positive feedback while taking to heart negative feedback. Dominatrices are, expectedly, well versed in these practices.)

I'm just curious about others' experiences with it, how it affected their self-image, and so on.

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I have a small penis but I defiantly don't hold it against women that they want big ones( I blame genetics and evolution)...and having small penis isn’t only about not having opportunities with women, loss of self confidence produced by having useless penis causes you to fail in all aspects of life. I'm not sure what cock holing fetish has to do with anything...lol

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It's my personal nightmare.

Seriously, being a cuckold is what I'd imagine being my form of punishment in hell, if such a thing existed.

It's one of these things that make me shake in anger and gets dangerously close to unlocking my completely misantrophic and psychopathic part of personality.

Hate this crap with an intensity of a hundred suns.

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I guess my marriage might have been described as cuckolding, but nobody ever had the

guts to make the accusation to me face to face. Of course I wasn't aware of what went on

while I was out trying to earn a very good living to provide for the skank so there was no way

I would consider approving it.

My ex now is living a very hard life since none of the guys she considered as "better fit"

seem to be even mediocre providers.

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No, assuming a passive role just because you aren't 'properly' endowed is not an option for anyone. If I get judged or laughed at by someone, I won't permit the abuse. I'm more functional mentally than the average human being, and I would never accept this lifestyle. It's really depressing to even consider such an option for me seeing as it would be the equivalent of destroying/sacrificing my manhood. Also, OP, I saw your stats on measurection, and you have no reason to consider this option with your measurements.

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No, assuming a passive role just because you aren't 'properly' endowed is not an option for anyone. If I get judged or laughed at by someone, I won't permit the abuse. I'm more functional mentally than the average human being, and I would never accept this lifestyle. It's really depressing to even consider such an option for me seeing as it would be the equivalent of destroying/sacrificing my manhood. Also, OP, I saw your stats on measurection, and you have no reason to consider this option with your measurements.

I could not agree more with the preceeding post. I'm all about for "whatever floats your boat" but find the whole concept of small penis humiliation / cuckolding repulsive and harmful and will not associate with those who are into it.

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Whoa, whoa. I'm not personally considering it at all. But from what I've read/seen, it is usually the man's suggestion to become involved in it. And recently found out that a couple I am friends with are involved in it. I'm a bit uncomfortable discussing it with them, being as we're close, but I am trying to understand the mindset---what would drive somebody to do it. Just thought this might be a fruitful place to find out.

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There are people who take pleasure in being made to suffer pain. Masochism, as it's called when we're talking about physical pain, is not that uncommon. So, it's conceivable that there might be people with SPS who could enjoy the humiliation of cuckolding. Humanity's range is wide enough that almost anything floats someone's boat.

However, my sense of most of the guys who post here is that humiliation is their worst enemy, and that much of their problem stems from trying to guard against humiliation, regardless of the cost. Perhaps even to the point of magnifying the probability of future and the importance of past humiliation ...

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I guess I hadnt fully considered masochism- this seems particularly vicous though

I dont know if anyone is magnifying the possibility of future humiliation.

If I have sex with someone in my circle of friends there is a bigger chance than not they will reject me and then tell all their friends.

Watch the 1st Barraclough documentary and he describes the kind of experience many of us types go through.

At college I heard of multiple guys that were denigrated by girls- girls share everything.

As for past humiliation only a sociopath could brush this kind of thing off.

Its the deepest shame a guy can have- certainly up there with being a pedo or deviant.

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I suffer from small penis issues (4") and now get off on humiliation, teasing & denial, and even chastity play. My submissive tendencies can be traced directly to my small endowment and over the years I have developed these paraphilias as a defense mechanism. "Turn a negative into a positive".

I will be happy to provide you with further insights if you wish.

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I suffer from small penis issues (4") and now get off on humiliation, teasing & denial, and even chastity play. I have approached my wife about cuckolding. To my knowledge it has not yet occurred. My submissive tendencies can be traced directly to my small endowment and over the years I have developed these paraphilias as a defense mechanism. "Turn a negative into a positive".

I will be happy to provide you with further insights if you wish.

What ever works for you is yours to keep.

Myself, I prefer to go about what's left of my life trying to enjoy myself and do it without harming others.

I could never sink so low as to permit the rest of my manhood to be treated as less than I am. My ex wife might well

have suggested this sort of lifestyle had she been unsuccessful in concealing her actions from me the entire time we were "together".

Of course, I would have welcomed this approach early in our marriage for it would have let me rid myself of her soon after we wed and well before she bore two other men's children.

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  • 3 months later...

I've heard of cuckolding as a sexual fetish, especially "interracial cuckolding" as a genre of pornography.

It's my personal nightmare.

Seriously, being a cuckold is what I'd imagine being my form of punishment in hell, if such a thing existed.

It's one of these things that make me shake in anger and gets dangerously close to unlocking my completely misantrophic and psychopathic part of personality.

Hate this crap with an intensity of a hundred suns.

Nope, you can't cuckold Immanuel Kant. LOL!

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I am submissive in bed. Neither my wife nor I would go the cuckold route. I prefer being her g/f and don't care to see her with another man.

From what I have researched; its not the penis size mainly thats creates a submissive male. For me I am a dominant type-A guy out of bed. I am a fire rescue...former spec-ops guy but in bed. I let the control remain on other side of bedroom door. A lot of dominant guys are like me. I wear panties and being built with a small penis makes the fit much better but I wear panties cause I am submissive.

My wife and I are married and to include another individual is adultery ..we take our vows seriously. What we do as a couple is fine. In fact the only rule we have is...our bed is for just us two...thats the only rule. Everything else is open

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