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Anybody ever have this experience?


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I've had depression my whole life, but when I was 16 I had a psychotic break that lasted about 3 years. I've had a hard time getting a diagnosis - they first said I was a paranoid schizophrenic, but when my psychotic symptoms went away my psychiatrist said I'm Bipolar, however my therapist said I have major depression with psychotic symptoms and I am definitely not Bipolar. I just wanted to know if anyone else with depression has had anything similar, I mean is it normal for somone with depression to hear voices and see things for awhile then for them to go away? P.S. (Not looking for a diagnosis just wanted to know if anyone else with depression has had anything similar with psychosis)

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I don't have an answer to your question and have never experienced this myself, dvn, but I do feel the most important thing is getting support and help with whatever it is you are struggling with. I hope you have been able to do that. I'm not an expert and we don't diagnose here, but I would imagine it's possible to have comorbid conditions.

I hope you feel better.

Take care

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