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Alright, thought I should start this thread where we give each other helpful advises like books to recommend, discussing those books, discussing ideas that you have that might improve the sex you'll be having with a woman and perhaps even improve those ideas. Also sharing information about what is attractive in a man and what is attractive in a woman, perhaps we could even share music that would be appropriate to have sex with.

Even if we're different don't forget that we do have a lot of similarities as well. I don't expect everyone to do the same thing on all aspects, but if there were a whole bunch of advises on here then that would easily help a lot. And even thought everything might not work you, just keep an open mind about it. As an example, if you just started reading a book and you don't agree with some of that stuff or you've tried but it didn't work, then just keep reading, because you might find some very helpful stuff. Even if 57% of the book is crap, then those other 43% could be really helpful.

I've been doing some research and here are the list of books that I've found so far for free on torrent sites in alphabetical order.

269 Amazing sex tips and tricks for Her

269 Amazing sex tips and tricks for Him

David Shade - Give women wild screaming orgasms

Hot and Fast - Spontaneous Quickies for Passionate Orgasms

How to have multiple orgasms

Loving sex The book of Joy and Passion

Marathon Sex Incredible Lovemaking Experiences Hotter and Longer Than You've Ever Done It Before

More Than Just Sex Because Getting Enough Just Isn't Enough

Nancy Friday - My Secret Garden. This is actually an erotic novel not an educational book about sex, but erotic novels could be helpful in the figuring out what type of a man most women are actually looking for or if you genetically programmed to give great responses to. Recently I've been reading David Shade's book and I'm also like 100 pages into Sex God Method by Daniel Rose where they say that the psychological stimulation is more important than the physical stimulation. Both are important sure, but the psychological stimulation is priority number one. Daniel Rose explains that very well in Sex God Method. However when it comes to erotic novels we're only interested in those written by female authors.

Anyway let's continue with the list.

Porn Star Secrets of Sex

Sex God Method

She Comes First The Thinking Man's Guide to Pleasuring a Woman - Ian Kerner

Spectacular Sex Moves She'll Never Forget Ingenious Positions and Techniques That Will Blow Her Mind

The Multi-Orgasmic Man

The Secrets of Great G-Spot Orgasms and Female Ejaculation


In the future I'm thinking about getting a Kindle or Kobo ebook reader where I could even expand the library. Here are some books that I've found on Amazon.

Hot sex: How to do it - Tracey Cox

Oral sex he'll never forget: 52 positions and techniques guaranteed to Blow your man away - Sonia Borg

How to have great sex - Jo Hummings

Sizzling sex: The sex Doctors 250 hottest tips , tricks and techniques - Pam Spurr

How to get her to watch porn, have anal sex and call her best friend for a threesome - Sindy St.James, Cindy St.James

There's probably more and the more knowledge you get the higher the confidence gets. Like I mention in my other thread called "Some theories", one of the factors to achieve confidence is knowledge, others could be qualities/traits that you have that triggers great responses.

I think that would be enough for this first post from me, next time I'll be adding a list of songs that could be appropriate to have sex with. So what do you think so far?

P.S. I don't know if I posted this thread at the right place. Anyway lets just see where the topic goes.

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Just keep in mind, sex books are only "starters". Nothing beats actually experience. ;)

Sex books are usually about the mechanics, a variety of options to bring pleasure. Every man and woman is different therefore we all respond differently.

What brought pleasure to one girl you dated may not work as well with someone else. The only true way to make sure sex is pleasurable is through trial and error and strong communication skills.

You also have to be careful not to pass judgement on yourself or your current lover because you aren't receiving a preconceived reaction.

My ex read about and watched videos about the "2 finger culdesac", he became obsessed about mastering it. Unfortunately, I never enjoyed it. At first he blamed me for "not trying" then he convinced himself he was doing it "wrong". This happened a couple of times when we would try new things from his research.

Every man and every woman is different and receives pleasure differently. A book will give you ideas but if you can't put yourself out there to gain experience or are unable to talk to each other, at the end of the day they are just "books".

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This is an edit. I made a dumb comment when I was on here last night. I apologize. I really do enjoy coming here reading and sharing with you all. Your courage to be here in turn gave me courage to sign up and post. This is a nice group to be a part of. I know I'm new here and may not have much credit yet and I do this from my mobile, work two jobs so my time here is limited. But I want to thank you guys and girls for sharing words on this difficult life situation. If you're here posting wether you are depressed, angry or just sharing, I see you as a courageous person. This is not easy to live with and if you're personally living with this, I commend you for being a part of society. You got it worse than most able bodies and able minds. You are one tough mother. I'm glad I found this place to confide in.

I agree with Cece. Books would be good for mechanics and techniques but I have found it beneficial to communicate with your partner. No better way to find out what they prefer.

I just landed a date with a very beautiful young lady who is a bit younger than myself. While I haven't put much feeling or thought about the future of the situation progressing as we haven't got past the first real date. But talking to her so far I enjoy her personality lots. Now should we go past a first date and progress into a relationship I know we'll have that certain bridge to cross that may or may not turn out very awkward... if and when that happens I might find myself asking you guys for your support.

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