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Daily Coincidences Cause Paranoia


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I will see or hear topics which, I fear, somehow correlate from topics I talked about earlier. TV is the source where I usually notice these topics. For example, I had a bunch of DVDs which practically all were played on DirectTV, as if they were using my collection for their line-up. When I notice these "coincidences", I become paranoid. The state of being paranoid makes my life a lot more difficult and it seems that paranoia begets paranoia. For example, I started to imagine the possibility that They are trying to map or understand my "recognition" neural patterns. One possible reason to do this is to be able to know if I am lying or not. And that possibility makes me think that BB is involved. These simple connections cause great paranoia. When I reflect on these thoughts, I feel like I am losing my mind and do not want to believe it. Can anyone explain what the hell is happening to me and what I can do to change it?

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Hello, rob, welcome!

As your thoughts are causing you such distress, it would really make sense to seek professional help and get an appropriate medical judgment and some (possibly not medical) treatment. It's good that you've reached out and asked here what is happening and what to do, but it's impossible for us to diagnose you or to know how to change it, I'm sorry :(. What I can so is to recommend you to see a psychologist or a psychiatrist and consult the problem in detail. There's nothing wrong about talking to such professionals, they usually can really help - maybe not the first one you talk to, but you shouldn't give it up and search for somebody you feel more comfortable with.

What we can do here, if you'd like, is for instance talk about the circumstances when this appeared in your life, about your feelings, your possible worries about consulting a professional, ... What do you think?

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I plan on seeking professional help soon and hope to get the appropriate brain scans as well. I do not trust the BB, so I will have to seek out family help or someone whom I can trust. I do not want to be another victim of BB. Since the advent of their HARP and PRISM programs, feeling paranoia seems reasonable. I have developed ringing in my ears too. I am particularly concerned with the possibility of MKUltra being re-aliased and still active. BB is everywhere now and are probably NOT professional. And I know they do not care about the individual, especially those without medical care-they become targets.

If the cause of my situation does not involve BB, I need to know. I keep a journal and write down my introspections, thoughts and changes. I have changed significantly in order to raise concern. I believe I am intelligent enough to be able to protect against biological influences/attacks, but the thought of doing so without knowing for sure what is happening seems a waste of time and the implications make me feel extremely uncomfortable. I am also savvy enough to protect against NSA sucking installations through encryption, but that too makes me feel like a slave. You cannot trust BB anymore and I am sure there are a lot of people who wish people involved in these travesties be punished so they regret what they are doing and did to we the people.

The coincidences aforementioned happen daily. Other advice suggests that its a manifestation caused by anxiety-which is a state used by MKUltra in conditioning. I have access to Fluoxetine, so I may try that out to see if that will change anything.

I care about my life and I do not want to be BB's bitch. I think myself far to smart to let that be the ultimate truth.

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It's great that you plan seeking professional help! But I really wouldn't recommend trying Fluoxetine! It's not that simple - just have a pill that is used for "some psychological issues" and as you have "a psychological problem", you try it out! Fluoxetine is for depression and what you experience is quite far from depression. If it was, for instance, a symptom of schizophrenia, then taking a SSRI (as Fluoxetine) would not only make no sense, but might be even more dangerous, bringing more problems.

I'm sorry it's hard for you to trust and so you feel quite many threats around you... The positive side of this is that maybe it's paranoia and if it's the case, then getting help with overcoming the paranoia will make those threats and fears disappear.

In any case, I hope you'll find the appropriate help soon... (BTW; I'm not sure if brain scans are necessary - so... don't be disappointed it they refuse doing them...)

Take care!

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  • 3 months later...

I will see or hear topics which, I fear, somehow correlate from topics I talked about earlier. TV is the source where I usually notice these topics. For example, I had a bunch of DVDs which practically all were played on DirectTV, as if they were using my collection for their line-up. When I notice these "coincidences", I become paranoid. The state of being paranoid makes my life a lot more difficult and it seems that paranoia begets paranoia. For example, I started to imagine the possibility that They are trying to map or understand my "recognition" neural patterns. One possible reason to do this is to be able to know if I am lying or not. And that possibility makes me think that BB is involved. These simple connections cause great paranoia. When I reflect on these thoughts, I feel like I am losing my mind and do not want to believe it. Can anyone explain what the hell is happening to me and what I can do to change it?

I have the same problem, I don't know what's causing it but i'm seeing things that are negative that I'm fearing and I don't know why? I'm trying to make sense of it but I also did get paranoid on TV. Can you please let me know if this is still continuing to happen to you?

Some of the coincidences that I used to fear are things that people around you say just to be mean because they know you have some kind of paranoia conditions going on.... and i used to think my paranoia was from drug but even when i was drug free i was still having paranoia. It escalated when my son moved to the west coast away from home.... don't know why i was paranoid and i was trying to figure out buy making all these things that I thought people thought I was or did. It was really weird. Are you taking meds or seeing a therapist?

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