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Can't get it out off my head


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Hi to everyone,

I want to share my problems with you because it is gonna ruin my relationship. I've been in this relationship for over a year and I am in love and she is in love but the thing is that apparently a couple of her ex boyfriends are kind of legends on my city about having huge cocks. I have a normal cock slightly smaller, never really cared till now.

She says she doesn't care and that is not something important to her and that it happened that she slept with this guys but it was not because of their size. Anyway, every time we have sex I can't avoid thinking that she must have enjoyed much more with the other guys and kind of see how she delivered to this guys or how much she must have enjoyed it.

I don't know if someone has been through this but it kills me to think that no matter what I do, she made me really small compared to her past.

Thanks for reading.

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There have been a number of posts similar to this lately and it just struck me that guys seem to be looking a guarantee. A guarantee that she enjoys the sex, a guarantee that she won't leave you for a bigger/better guy.

Well no dice. There no guarantees for anyone in life outside of death & taxes.

The wise thing to do is to enjoy the good times life offers you w/o a second thought. Because you can't control it and to try to is to invite disaster .

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Dont start worrying about this now. If you've been confident in yourself up to note, don't let hypothetical worries muck it all up for you. Your worry over this is the only danger.

My GF has had many guys in her life, some much bigger, but I can tell that she loves me and loves having sex with me like nobody before. I would also describe my anatomy as close to average, maybe a little on the small side.

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Dont start worrying about this now. If you've been confident in yourself up to now, don't let hypothetical worries muck it all up for you. Your worry over this is the only danger.

My GF has had many guys in her life, some much bigger, but I can tell that she loves me and loves having sex with me like nobody before. I would also describe my anatomy as close to average, maybe a little on the small side.

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