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I find it hard to even have normal sexual fantasies, because I find it hard to imagine any woman wanting to have sex with me. It's a vicious circle of low self esteem and feelings of sexual inadequacy.

Why am I even discussing this?

What good has being on this board done me?

Nothing, I've been on here since early 2013 and in over two and a half years we've accomplished WHAT?

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I find it hard to even have normal sexual fantasies, because I find it hard to imagine any woman wanting to have sex with me. It's a vicious circle of low self esteem and feelings of sexual inadequacy.

Why am I even discussing this?

What good has being on this board done me?

Nothing, I've been on here since early 2013 and in over two and a half years we've accomplished WHAT?

We are still your friends, though, inf_rad.
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  • 2 weeks later...

My thoughts just go round in circles. Back to the same old thoughts again and again and again.

I stress myself out about it to the point that I feel physically tense and start feeling pain in my body.

If anti-racism is about nullification of kin-interest, and nullification of kin-interest is held to be exemplary morality, then an act that could be construed as vicarious nullification of kin-interest, such as going into a primary school and shooting children like Thomas Hamilton did in Dunblane in 1996, or perhaps massacre young people on an island like Anders Breivik did in Norway in 2011, could be held to be a moral, anti-racist act using the logic of contemporary Western social liberalism. The logic of it goes like this:

1. Anti-racism is a key tenet of the ideology of contemporary Western socially liberal countries.

2. Anti-racism involves the negation of kin-interest. Race and kin and family are all effectively the same thing because they all involve biological relatedness.

3. Murdering children would destroy the "racist" (providing preferential treatment to kin over non-kin) motivation that their families have for raising them, and would thus be a moral act.

Does that sound horrific?

Of course it does. This extreme example goes to show how stupid anti-racism is from an evolutionary perspective.

But you know, I don't need this fucking stress in my life. It would be much easier if I didn't even have to think about these things. It would be much easier if I wasn't sexually inadequate. It would be much easier if I wasn't trapped in a body that I hate.

There is no way to get out of the body I'm trapped in. Should I kill myself? I would, but I don't have the guts. So I just keep coming back here and end up typing crap like this post instead.

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Contemporary Western society is the sexual humiliation society, and the target of the sexual humiliation is white men. White men are what the left's hatred is directed at.

By restricting or limiting white men's social and economic power using 'equality' (war is peace, slavery is freedom, etc) laws, this is a means to a further end: limiting white men's sexual power. The social, the economic and the sexual are indubitably intertwined.

Why can I not get out of my physical body except through death?

Why can I not have a consciousness transplant?

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Once again, as i read the previous few posts (not yours, VoBNC), i'm hearing two disturbing themes:

"white males are the victims," and "the white race is scheduled for extinction."

Under ordinary circumstances it would be enough to simply point out that that's factually inaccurate. But i also read a fleeting reference to that racist scum Anders Breivik. And here in Dixie we produced our own racist scum; including the racist scum Dylan Roof, who farted out the line, "you're [black men] raping our women" before murdering 9 african-americans in cold blood. This "white race in danger" myth isn't just a harmless error. People die because of this myth. This is a deadly genocidal lie, on a level with ISIS's "Islam permits rape" lie.

I'm glad you're comfortable sharing the darker side of your pain here; that's what this forum should do for people.

And God knows i've got a dark side of my own.

But when we name these dark thoughts of ours, we need to give them the proper condemnation. Otherwise, we validate them within ourselves and, even worse, plant them in the minds of others.

Please continue to be candid. But apply morality to your words, too.

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Once again, as i read the previous few posts (not yours, VoBNC), i'm hearing two disturbing themes:

"white males are the victims," and "the white race is scheduled for extinction."

Under ordinary circumstances it would be enough to simply point out that that's factually inaccurate. But i also read a fleeting reference to that racist scum Anders Breivik. And here in Dixie we produced our own racist scum; including the racist scum Dylan Roof, who farted out the line, "you're [black men] raping our women" before murdering 9 african-americans in cold blood. This "white race in danger" myth isn't just a harmless error. People die because of this myth. This is a deadly genocidal lie, on a level with ISIS's "Islam permits rape" lie.

I'm glad you're comfortable sharing the darker side of your pain here; that's what this forum should do for people.

And God knows i've got a dark side of my own.

But when we name these dark thoughts of ours, we need to give them the proper condemnation. Otherwise, we validate them within ourselves and, even worse, plant them in the minds of others.

Please continue to be candid. But apply morality to your words, too.

You actually think the white European race isn't in demographic decline?

Take a look at this:


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Let me guess, you also believe in the "white privilege" nonsense?

Certain groups of people are claiming that white heterosexual men are privileged.

One thing's for sure - their concept of what privilege entails doesn't apply to sexuality or reproduction. Being sexually inferior, and being part of a dying race, is NOT a privilege in evolutionary terms.

So what other ways are there in which a person can be privileged? Material or economic privileges? That's possible, but these privileges are certainly NOT more important than sexuality or reproduction.

And it is most certainly NOT a lie that the white European race is in terminal demographic decline. I don't know about the "white race in danger" idea or what the connotations of that might be; but it is certainly true that white people are in terminal demographic decline.

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I'm not in agreement with the direction that this discussion is taking.

First: if there are fewer Europeans in the world, i'm pretty sure the Indians and Chinese will fill in the gaps easily.

So it's not a long-term problem in the way that global warming is.

Second: maybe there will indeed be a lower percentage of people who self-identify as "white."

That is a change, true.

But it's not a "decline," because white people (and i'm one of them) are not the sole repository of civilization.

If my nation the USA becomes majority black- and mixed-race, i don't consider that a problem as long as civil liberties, democratic government, and equal educational/employment opportunity are all still valued and nourished.

White people like myself aren't the only ones who can conserve the best of Western culture,

and as a matter of fact we've done a pretty wretched job of practicing Western values so far.

So, maybe in a hundred years there will be fewer people who look like me.

As long as they're good people, i'm fine with that.

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Yes. Since around 2007, I've had problems with alcohol (although I stopped the alcohol around the end of 2011), losing my mother, being diagnosed with autism, dropping out of university, all the rest of it. I've had quite a lot of mental health issues and I do get paranoia about my physical health, despite being reassured that there's nothing wrong with me.

Things are on the up again for me though. I am in full time employment. I am keeping on top of everything in that regard and managing most things in my life.

But I don't have many friends, or a good social life, and my attempts at dating usually seem to fail.

I also get embarrased by the things I said or did when I was drunk in the past. I also talk to myself, probably as a nervous habit. I wish I wouldn't but it's anxiety based.

Actually, it isn't just the things I did when I was drunk. It's pretty much everything. I feel ashamed of almost everything I've ever done; that's how much I hate myself.

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There's no reason to be ashamed of what you've done, inf_rad; we've all done awkward and embarrassing things.

There are things i did when i was a kid that still make me cringe when i remember them, even though i didn't hurt anybody.

And even if you did hurt people in the past, you can make it up to them in the future.

We have a lifetime to apologize and make amends to people we have hurt.

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I don't know about the idea that "white men are the victims".

But what is certainly true is this: because of the AMOUNT of white women that prefer non-white men (black men especially) and form relationships with them and have children, white men are at a disadvantage when it comes to dating, reproduction and sex. There simply aren't enough available suitable women for white men to become involved with.

By and large, non-white women are unsuitable partners for white men. Some white men form relationships with Asian women (East Asian / Oriental), but their numbers are quite small.

Due to black men in particular becoming involved with white women in large numbers, some white men will NEVER be able to find a woman that can make them happy. Some white men will be - not just will be, but are - forced to live (and die) alone because of being unable to find a suitable partner because of the increased scarcity of suitable women that is a consequence of the large numbers of relationships between black men and white women.

To be sure, there are other groups that are at a disadvantage, like black women and Asian men (again I'm using Asian in the US sense, not the UK sense).

Whatever social and economic privileges some white men may enjoy, white men are not at an advantage when it comes to dating and sex. Black men are.

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Another point worth making is this: some of the most important men in history have been bachelors.

Whilst having children allows your genes to continue long after your death as an individual, engaging in endeavour - whether in literature, art, sport, science, music, technology, philosophy, architecture, or any other field of human endeavour you care to name - allows your memes to continue long after your death.

Like this guy, he was a bachelor and look at all the great bridges and structures he designed:


Or this guy, he was a bachelor and he was an extremely intelligent philosopher:


Or this guy, he was a bachelor and he made some extremely awful music and got accused of being a child sexual abuser:


It's quite possible that for men who don't have to deal with women or a family, this can allow them to maximise their focus on their own individual and personal affairs as suits them without the constraints that having a wife and family would impose.

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Hey IR, question for you:

If you were forced to make a choice between being a white, bulky Scotsman with an 8" penis or a black, skinny African with a 4.5" penis, which would you choose?

No one's asking me to make that choice though, are they?

And the word 'bulky' implies 'fat' - maybe 'fat and muscular' but it implies that the person is overweight. And skinny is better than fat.

Fat looks better on women than it does on men.

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There is probably a lot of individual variation as far as penis size is concerned. Far more between individuals than there is between races.

To be honest, I'm not that concerned with penis size. Not as much as a lot of people are. Yes, generally bigger is more desirable to have, but it's hardly the most important thing.

I have a larger than average penis, I am also larger than average in height and have larger than average amount of muscle on my body (but I am also overweight, although not greatly so).

All of these things (apart from being slightly overweight) would be seen as positive masculine attributes. None of them, in and of themselves, benefit me greatly.

Many people on this forum are inordinately focused on penis size, and inadequacies concerning their own penis size. This is stupid, as most women are not particularly concerned about penis size when it comes to choosing a partner.

If a woman really is concerned with her partner having a big penis, that's shallow, sex-obsessed and unladylike. Most women are not like that.

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White men are the laughing stock of the world in so many ways.

Pretty much everyone and everything is against them in the century we live in.

I often feel like my body is a prison.

If a woman is attracted to me, she is attracted to me for something that I don't want to be. I'm playing for a team that I don't want to play for. My genetic code contains DNA that I do not wish to possess. I do not wish to bioloigcally consist of something that is born to lose, something that is hated, something that exists to be humiliated and destroyed, and that's exactly the fate of the white European race: humiliation and destruction.

And: there's no way out. All the exits are blocked.

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