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    Cassandra Pirtle

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  1. One of my brothers is 21 years old. He was diagnosed with autism, ADHD, and OCD when he was a young kid. Since he was around 16-ish years old, he's told us that he hears voices that talk to him and have conversations. He is dead-set in his belief that there are "multiple universes or realities". His stutter is very, very bad; it seems like it worsens as he ages. Often when I'm conversing with him, his sentences get all stutter-y and disorganized to the point where he says he forgets what he was going to say. He has to have a nightlight on at night when he sleeping or otherwise he says that "murderous" creatures are going to kill him. He gets very very very upset when we try to reason with him about his beliefs in multiple universes and monsters out to get him at night. He's like a brick wall about it, honestly. Through one ear and out the other. This has been going on for many years and it's so horribly worrying, especially because I won't be at home with him hardly ever once I start college in August. He doesn't remember our cousins, aunts, or uncles until he sees them again and he says things like "How could I forget her/him?!" but days laters, he's forgotten who they are all over again. He's completely socially inept. A couple of weeks ago I saw an article describing the symptoms of schizophrenia and now I'm afraid that he might have or is developing schizophrenia. I'm aware of his behaviors that are from his OCD, ADHD, and autism. I can recognize them most of the time. If anyone here has been diagnosed with schizophrenia or is close to someone suffering some schizophrenia, could you please give me some of your thoughts/opinions? I'm worried, but am I overreacting? Am I just confusing some of his autistic behaviors for schizophrenia symptoms?
  2. Okay so, I don't know why, for the past couple of years, I've, like, mentally praised myself when I go hours without eating (like 8 to 20 hours). Especially when I'm upset/sad. Food is completely unappealing & sometimes flat-out disgusting to me when I'm sad. (I have moderate to severe depression, mild social anxiety, & self harm problems, btw.) I like the taste of food (most of the time)!! But, I choose to skip eating even though a part of me wants to eat & finds eating pleasurable, because this strong thought in my head is saying "let's see how long we can go without it". And I'm almost always pretty proud of myself when go without it for a while. Just several days ago, I looked up the weight I'm supposed to be for my sex, age, and height, and I found out that I'm supposed over twenty pounds more than my current weight. I recognize that this isn't good AT ALL. Why the heck do I do this? Why do I think weird things like this?? It's just.. I look around the kitchen and at the food and I either think that it's not at all appealing or I should try to go as long as I can without it
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