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Lost brain: reward



I lost my iPhone, my brain actually, and I'm obsessing:

I never make calls, I don't really have anything to say. But what if I get attacked on the street... it could happen!

I count on it to chirp every 2 hours at work. That's how I remember to check my focus. You know, if I'm spending too much time on some forum or making a blog, it reminds me to get back to work.

How am I going to manage my class schedule without my i-calendar reminders? ;) I withdrew last semester when I couldn't cope with not having my laptop anymore, I don't compensate for changes very well.

I'm a little worried that my niece may have stolen it... I don't want to think she would but I can't find it anywhere. I don't usually move my brain from it's designated spot.

My husband keeps trying to offer his brain to me but I don't want to take it away from him. He listens to music at work.

Who knows what medication I've remembered, missed or doubled because I don't have it here to boss me around.

I'm definitely feeling the pain of my crazy.

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