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I am me

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I was watching TV waiting for my brother to finish up with the computer so I can start on my assignments for class. There was a preview for a movie called Due Date that is coming out next month. On the same day my angel would have been in my arms. :P It feels like cruel irony in a way.

I wrote him a letter a couple weeks ago and since then I felt better about everything. I felt a little at peace for the first time in months. I barely realized a few days ago how close that day was coming when I had dreaded it for a while not wanting to think about it. I know that it is inevitable. That day was bound to come. I wonder if it will just come and go like any other day.

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I am so sorry that you are facing this. The due date for my angel was one of the saddest times of my life. Take care of yourself. Do something special for you to help you remember your angel on this day.

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