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I am me

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Trying to work through everything little by little.

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My walls

I have had quite a few good days, enough that I could get through the bad ones just a little easier and they slowly lessened. I've had a few more really good days recently thanks to a friend of mine. But, and I know it's probably not right, I sometimes think about how long these good days will last before the walls close in on me again. I feel like I might be trapped for good the next time it happens.




I've been feeling so drained lately, emotionally(i didn't know it was possible) and physically. I haven't had another panic attack since last week so I guess that is a good thing. I am not sure what triggered it that time. Maybe it was just the stress i've been under trying to keep up with my school work. Lately I just can't seem to care much about going out or even talking with my friends. They invite me to go out and I seem to just keep giving lame excuses to not go. My husband is encouraging




I was watching TV waiting for my brother to finish up with the computer so I can start on my assignments for class. There was a preview for a movie called Due Date that is coming out next month. On the same day my angel would have been in my arms. It feels like cruel irony in a way. I wrote him a letter a couple weeks ago and since then I felt better about everything. I felt a little at peace for the first time in months. I barely realized a few days ago how close that day was coming when I ha




I'd like to say my depression/anxiety is all genetics because my mother's side does have a history of these things. But if my Psychology teacher this semester has taught me anything, it's that genetics only accounts for so much. I know a lot of my issues have stemmed from my unstable home environment growing up. Even when things got better, I didn't. I still dealt with, and partially still am, with the things that happened. I have good days, and I have bad days. I try to hold on to the good days



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