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I can't sleep, nothing new there really. I got an email from my new counselor wanting to know how I was doing. Considering I don't remember most of the time I spent with him today his email puzzles me. I guess I could have made a fool out of myself an not recall it. I don't even remember telling him my email address. My wife tells me he asked for it at our first visit. Not that I mind him writing, I really don't know how to reply though. If I tell him I don't remember our time together today he might think I'm a waste of his time. I guess I wonder if I am for not remembering. I really want to reply asking him what the hell we talked about and how come I don't recall it. That sounds really insane to me though. I suppose a simple I'm OK thanks for asking would be best.

I see on the fridge one of my kids got his spelling test back. He did really well got a gold star and everything. He has a lot of trouble with spelling so, I'm very proud of him. I'll have to make a big deal about it.

My budding little artist was hard at work with his paints. He is younger than the other kids but has the artistic ability that surpasses anyone else in the family. I can barely do stick figures and this kid is making entire castles complete with drawbridge, knights and dragons. No-one would ever guess his age from this masterpiece. He has a lot of fun being artistic. He has a lot of problems in other areas so, it's nice to see him really excel. Will have to work on the cleaning up part however.

My wife left out pictures of the type of dog she would really like. We have many animals, between all of them and the kids it's hard for me to understand why she wants more. I have to admit besides lugging in most of the pet supplies, trimming the dogs nails or cleaning the various fish tanks she and the kids take care of them all. I enjoy having them an all.

There is this rescue she would like to get the dog from. She filled out the application, talked with the coordinator of the rescue program. She told me as soon as I agree she will send in the application. I know the kids are also excited about possibly getting a new pooch. I'm thinking maybe I will send it in as a surprise. I went to the website it is packed with pooches needing a good home. Thankfully the 2 dogs we already have get along well with every dog or person they've ever encountered. Most importantly they put up with everything the kids dish out at them.

Anyway, going to go crawl back into bed with my wife.


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