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First Blog entry YAY



Hey so, Victor, Kaleb and Kayla here. We're all really excited to be a member of this site. We've been searching a long while for a site that might help us feel at home and such with what we go through everyday. It's a bit confusing to have a split personality. First off, our parents don't even know. But now everyone here who reads this does. The only person we know personally who knows about this is my [Kayla] girlfriend. She is so accepting of it, of us. And she loves all three of us equally. Victor is the newest to our happy trio. Kaleb has been with me since I was in Elementary school. And I'm the one who this body was originally born as. Haha. It's such a confusing concept and there aren't many people who know about split personalities. They aren't even listed as one of the mental things as far as I have checked. Sometimes, it's cool having three people in one body, in one mind. Other times it's a pain in the cranium. Ugh. It can be so horrible. Anyway, signing off for now [of my blog anyway] got a paper to write for English 2 and one for Intro to Tech.

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The formal name for it now is Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID). You can find stuff about it under that name. Try to stick to the more believable sites, though; there's a lot of b.s. on the internet, in case you hadn't heard. ;-)

{I played trombone in marching band, but that was last century. Is that a bari sax, or just a tenor?}

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