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Day 11 - Going off meds



I was soooo nervous to meet the pdoc after day 7 coz I had this intense fear that she would increase the dose as she had mentioned on day 0, that I didnt end up going to meet her.

I called her up and said I was feeling much better and that I shall stop the meds. She got annoyed and said that I should have come to meet her on day 7 as she would decide what to do. I did tell her that I felt drugged all day with the meds, got a sick feeling in my stomach and disoriented even with a lower dose. She got offended and said thats just not possible. It really irritates me when the pdoc says its just not possible because I do feel disoriented and dizzy and she makes me sound like I'm lying. She said to continue the meds till Day 10 and come and meet her on Day 11.

I tried to gather courage and meet her but just didnt have the heart to go. So, I've decided to go off the meds and not go back to her.

God help me. I shall try everything from Yoga to meditation to get back on track but I dont want these meds anymore. They give me such a horrible feeling even though my head's feeling much lighter :-) Please tell me I'm not doing anything wrong by stopping the meds... please.. please.


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You're not doing anything wrong by stopping the meds. It is entirely your choice, SW. They haven't had much chance to work yet but if you are motivated to try other ways of treating your (depression? anxiety? sorry, can't remember!) then it really is your choice. I would also be annoyed if a pdoc said to me that what I was experiencing wasn't possible. (Actually, I've been told "that shouldn't happen on that med" several times. :o) And if, by some chance, you should decide to try meds again in the future, the option will still be there. See how you go.

Good luck. :)

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