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Jeremy's reply



Dear Deana, First thank you for the kind words. How ever, I've some things to tell you. I'm steril. I was never able to have children. Frankly, I'm glade I can't. The true father of little Niles is a respected elder in our siciety. His name is Isaac D. Goodwin. He's known you before I came along. you just didn't know it yet. I'm sorry to have to tell you. I have wanderlust in my blood. I also want to tell you I've been following your friend Krisha. The one you went to school with. I'd like to be her life partner. If she'll have me. We have a lot of things in common. I know her son's father. You and Isaac were always meant to be. In closing, I'd like to say I wish you and Isaac well. Respectfully, Jeremy


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