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More Random Bable



It started out a simple thing

An urge to release the pressure within

First with knives and bits of glass

then with drugs and alcohol

but alas, it would not do

and so I burnt myself to be free from you

walking though life with your head in the clouds

driven by childish desire

chained down by reality

dissilisioned and tired

the life of a new yorker

Standing in front of my peers, surrounded by parents and educaters, we had the poetry slam

teachers asked for someone to go first, I was volunteered by my peers

I stumbled a bit at first, but as my words began to flow, all nerviousness evaporated, i was elated, once I stopped the applause began, I'd imagine I turned all sorts of funny shades of red and pink

It was my first glimpse at life in the public eye, sadly it was short and bitter sweet

while my peers, educators and adults thought I had expressed myself beautifully, my mother was not on the same page

In five little words she brought me crashing down to earth

"was that all you did?"

as quickly as my writing career had began, it came to an end


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