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Depression is a very common problem. One of the most frustrating aspects of depression can be the trial and error process that is sometimes necessary to figure how to effectively treat your symptoms. Waiting for psychotherapy, medications, or other approaches to "kick in" when you feel so badly can also be discouraging.

In our Depression topic center we go into great depth about different reasons why people become depressed. We also cover the wide array of available treatments. Let us hear from you. What types of strategies (both successful and unsuccessful) have you have tried? What have you done to get "over the hump" while waiting for the treatment to kick in?

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Soon, the FDA will be approving a DNA test that will have some predictive value in predicting which antidepressant drug class to use and the best dose range. For the past seven years, pharmacuetical clinical drug trials are asking participants to donate some blood for DNA analysis. This has had diagnostic value and has lead to newer medical theories of depression.

I've been on antidepressants since 1987. Have had to switch 5 or 6 times, fishing around to find an effective one. These are terrible times, in the throws of complete relapse. You need an agressive p-doc that will try to reduce your symtoms as fast as possible.

When I'm down that far, things like CBT, excercise, etc. becomes meaningless because I haven't the motivation to follow through. It's hard enough just getting out of bed, let alone trying to write down your thoughts or go to the gym.

I get through, because I'm older. Past experience assures me the hell I'm in will dissipate. I do small behavioral accomplishments like maybe loading some dishes in the dishwasher if that's all I can do. (It gives you a small boost of personal power). My work has saved me as well. Seems if I have to do something that requires hight expectations, I can drag myself there, survive the day, and acknowledge it.

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Past experience assures me the hell I'm in will dissipate. I do small behavioral accomplishments like maybe loading some dishes in the dishwasher if that's all I can do. (It gives you a small boost of personal power). My work has saved me as well. Seems if I have to do something that requires hight expectations, I can drag myself there, survive the day, and acknowledge it.

I am impressed. It sounds like you are doing a good job of using CBT principles, even if you don't feel like you have the motivation to do so. Even though it seems like a depressed state will last FOREVER, you are able to hang on to the thought that your symptoms will indeed decrease (a cognitive technique called reframing, or cognitive restructuring). In other words, you are challenging a unhelpful/untrue thought and replacing it with a more realistic one.

You are also breaking up your day into smaller, more achievable goals (such as loading some dishes in the dishwasher) rather than setting yourself up for failure (and feeling worse) by coming up with goals that are not realistic. This has the double positive effect of boosting your self-esteem (even though you feel awful, you can still get some things done) and decreasing depressed feelings and thoughts.

Keep up the good work!

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