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Psycho dynamic Therapy

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I was hoping to make contact with another who has been (on either side of the desk) involved in psycho dynamic therapy. I've seen my therapist nearing 3 years and recently we brought the transference further..... thank you Winnicott and others. My therapist is an angel. She mirrors me. She takes what I have given her and holds it for as long as she sees a need or I elect to take back. It feels like she mothers me. She worries. It feels like she feeds me each session. I react to all of this. I play out the roles of which I took in childhood which she encourages me to operate from within. I am not aware of this tho I am aware of things as she brings it to my attention.

I would like to meet someone to compare experiences and be able to ask questions as they come up. I'd like to be able to know that I'm not loosing my mind. lol

I have had years of psychotherapy, CBT, DBT, Person Centered..... and nothing seems to have had such an effect as psycho dynamic. I am grateful to have found her and that I take one step farther into discovering my real issues and be able to make real changes as a result.

I must admit........ therapy has been hell. :)

I have often thought about psychoanalysis. Tho I'm not sure I could lay on a couch and have someone behind me.


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Guest ASchwartz

Hi Wisdom,

Well, I was trained as a psychoanalyst and now, thirty years later, I continue to use psychodynamic techniques although I add other methods as the need requires. I was also a patient in psychoanalysis for many years. So, I would be happy to answer questions but I know that others here can do so just as well as me.

Anyway, what are your questions?

As away.


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Ive been sitting with my ther for about 3 years. The past 6 months she has been working psycho dynamically with me. We talked about this and the benifits of. I think My attachment/transference has grown and deepened. The good thing/bad thing is that I never demand nor go into crisis. I am not overtly needy. I am what I refer to as "low maintenance" - horrible thing to say but with that Im not sure if I am on the right track........ shouldn't I be moving thru developmental stages. I wonder if I would know that I'm beginning to move thru. Maybe operating from within what ever stage. I feel like I should be playing the role. Tho I dont think I am. I think I might be holding back some.....to what degree I don't know. I have this need to be with her and for her to tell me what to say or think. I want to be with her. I fantasize about what she might be like to befriend. Maybe she needs to interpret more. :confused: Yet when she sees fit she will be more direct which sends me running the opposite way. Maybe this is whats being played out

Hmmm...... Maybe I don't know what the question is. It is overwhelming at times and sometimes feel I have no direction

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Guest ASchwartz

Hi Wisdom,

Any type of psychotherapy should be guided by mutually agreed upon goals and objectives. In the absence of those, psychotherapy can become very vague and confusing. Perhaps you need to clarify this with your therapist.

It also sounds as though you started out with your therapist with one type of therapy and then it switched to psychodynamic.

Are you sure you have the right therapist?

You know, successful therapy depends a lot on the skill of the therapist more than the particular method. Part of this is goal setting.

Your thoughts and others??


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This weeks session left me feeling like I wanted my therapist approval......... I frantically called her. She calmed me. Reassured. It's terrible to need someone so much that the reality of it doesn't exist. Overwhelming.

I might talk to her about increasing sessions to 2x weekly.....

My therapist was working psycho dynamically the first two years together. I didn't become fully aware of the transference nor see the relationship develop. We talked alot of the approach and I openly agreed to go in that direction. So we have been working from there. Not much has changed except an awareness and my commitment. Oh i did review a couple of goals with a few objectives.

I can't begin to even think what it would be like to have to terminate with this woman. It would be devastating. I'd never change her.

My therapist is a Psychologist and Pastoral minister, PH.D. She uses the Buddhist Dharma and the Bible to teach......... She works psycho dynamically and prefers long term therapy. Oh I also make mention that she is in a long term gay relationship like myself. She has understanding

I think my defenses are strong and its taken this long to begin gaining and awareness. Its a never ending. Denial is a biggie. Interpretations hit me low needing alot of outside session reassurance. Its a constant dynamic between the two of us............. then pin pointing where best to apply the knowledge......... hard for me to describe.



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Guest ASchwartz

Hi Wisdom,

From what you describe, your therapist appears to be well trained. Therapy is not easy. The hard part is sticking with it and being really open and honest so that all those feelings can be explored.


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