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some advice for addiction people

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The peoples are not avoiding the bad habits and they became slave and addiction for this. These persons are needed good treatment for relieve from this. The persons should avoid the bad habits like drinks; drugs etc can not only affect our body health and also mental health. It will create lot of problems to affect our life. There are books; centers are creating awareness about this habit. Go and hear this and try to change your mind and live a happy life.




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Hey John-

I was glad to see your post. I saw the post from "Tom" and wondered what it was really about. Believe it or not, I live in Nebraska and most people I have met here speak better English than he does. Perhaps English is his second language?

Please keep posting, I enjoy reading what you have to say. ;)


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Guest ASchwartz

Hi John and Catmom, ;)

I agree with Catmom about seeing your post, John.

What happened that you "retired" from us? Can you come back to us?

I would love to know what happened, John, that you feel "tired and emotional" and had to leave us?

Allan :)

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Guest ASchwartz

Hi John and welcome back,

We can all be somewhat "thin skinned." However, I want to remind you that we are adults and, if anyone believes in AA or other twelve steps they will not be swayed. In fact, I do not see how sharing opinions and information can be harmful. In my view, it is only the withholding of information and communication that can harm, especially the self. As I have told you, I welcome your participation here. People who disagree with you will tell you and, perhaps, that does not feel so comfortable. Well, so what? Debate and diversity are what make the world go round.

As to anything culural in nature that you referred to I cannot remember anything offensive in nature.

I am pleased that you are back and that, at whatever pace you choose, you will paricipate at your comfort level.


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Hi JR-

Thanks for explaining why you had decide to "retire." I had wondered about that & thought I had perhaps missed something other than the eternal debate between True Believers of the Gospel according to Bill W. and those like myself who are skeptical of 12-step programs.

I hope you don't allow the closed- mindedness of Steppers keep you from contributing here.


P.S. Thanks to Mark for eliminating the spam link. I suspect it is probably coming from some other country where English is not the primary language.

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hello everyone.thanks for the info

Talking about addiction people. Once you develop a good knowledge of your addiction you need to have a plan. You need to know what you need to do when a trigger event happens and how you can stop yourself giving in to the cravings, there may be many ways to do this but you must make this plan and stick to it whenever you are triggered. Only once you can avoid giving into cravings can you focus on overcoming your addiction fully.

by izoel

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