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Conversations with the girlies......


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I did mean to post this a few days ago, but ended up in hospital.

I have had some interesting chats with females over the past year or two, things just happen to come up and I go with it.

The first one that I remember was with a female singer, we were waiting between soundcheck and the show and a guy came up to us. His wife had left him, he seemed quite subdued as one would expect, and he just told of how he is now trying to keep the house, how evil she is, how she had been cheating for a few years and he caught her by chance. I felt real sorry for him, and he left saying it was good to see her and he'd be back for the show later that evening. The second he left, she said to me "that guy has the biggest dick I have ever seen" - straight like that. Strangely I didnt feel at all embarrassed or needing to cover up anything about myself. I enquired further, what did she mean, I kind of knew the female singer had seen ALOT of men if you get me.

She harkened back to a time when the guy in question was musical director of a big band and she was one of the session singers. And how they ended up fooling round after hours etc etc. Thing was, she didnt talk of it like a magical time, she actually said it hurt incredibly, she was in pain. And that she was scared to take his calls afterward. I asked further, was it rape, she was talking like it was most horrific. No no, the guy was really nice etc. just she couldnt take it.

Wow, I thought, the holy grail almost to guys like us. And you have a nice looking great singer scared to take your calls because its painful! And second, despite the holy grail, he had a wife who cheated and is giving him no end of problems now. And despite having what surely we all want, he is walking round like a neutered dog at the moment.......and then the killer "yes but at least he can just get it out in public and suffer no shame or ridicule"........just shows how despite all that I was thinking he still had some kind of advantage, and as if getting one's member out in public was a normal, sane kind of thing for anyone to do!

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I had another with a girl I was kind of seeing for a while, but never got to the act of intercourse, again I made sure it didnt go there, and predictably with nowhere to go, the thing just fizzled out. I spoke to her recently, a few years after we had not been going somewhere together.

I cant remember how it came up, maybe some tv programme had done some trashy show and she was just on about "did you see the size of that guy's penis" and all giggly. I remember in question the guy was very small. I didnt compare with him, it was some tv show and he was presenting it naked, either for a bet or something equally trashy.

I said wow I bet you would never go for him now eh, despite all his money and fame, I know what you girls are like. She laughed and said she would never go for him anyway. I said, you know though there are all sorts of thing to help him, he may even have it made bigger and all that. Again she laughed "you guys and your things, as if it matters". What did she mean I asked "any size would do for me". Strangely I believed her, and instantly wondered what may have been had I pursued a few years earlier. My confidence was zero at the time, so I cant be too tough on myself there, but just the wondering of what may have happened.

I did tease her a bit more, but what if its way too small to even have an effect. What if it resembles the act of throwing a cigarette end into an open manhole. She just laughed and laughed, not taking it seriously, and not needing too.

Here is the thing, I get no indication from either of my conversations that it crossed the mind of either female that I may be small and that it may be a huge embarrasment to me. When I was fatter (350lbs) I could tell people would shy away from weight related topics, and nobody once ever called me fat - no matter how heated a discussion might get, and I could sense people just knew it was an issue. Now Im back down to my teen weight of 245 I get weight mentioned all the time. Second, these are glimpses of my own attitudes in conversation and actually believing some of reality that the female will not scream and run should your girth be less than the tuna can.......

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My best friend was telling me the other day how embarrased he was because I was in the car with him when his girlfriend called him. She's Armenian, and he mexican, which is the reason why their relationship is a secret to her dad even as we speak. Nonetheless, he is pu*sywhipped, and that is putting it mildly. As it turns out, big penis or not he is a slave to his emotions just like anyone else. Made me feel like I was b*tching about nothing know what I mean?

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how tall are you performer? I'm curious myself because your penis definately gets bigger when you: A) lose weight, showing more of it. I was thrilled to find this out when I lose my first 20 lbs :(:) shave your pubic hairs, I cant emphasize this enough as it is an immediate confidence builder. I look down and for once I can honestly say "DAMN!" lol.

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how tall are you performer? I'm curious myself because your penis definately gets bigger when you: A) lose weight, showing more of it. I was thrilled to find this out when I lose my first 20 lbs :(:) shave your pubic hairs, I cant emphasize this enough as it is an immediate confidence builder. I look down and for once I can honestly say "DAMN!" lol.

Am 6 ft tall buddy.

In teens I boxed and also played the game rugby (number 3). Boxed as super heavyweight, was not tall for the weight by any means, but was quick if you get me. Rugby position was more about strength and power than speed. When I stopped those sports I put on alot of weight, hardly realising it.

I can honestly say though I personally have noticed very little difference in the penis size no matter what my weight is.......

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well mate, I can't say one way or the other, all I can say is that as someone who has gone from heavy to lighter, it makes a difference. That said man, take it from a guy who let his affliction paralyze him, you got balls bro and thats what has helped you make the efforts with women that you have. You know first hand that its only a matter of effort to get chicks, so stay strong bro and let me know how it goes.

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