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Hi everyone. Since this is the lounge, I thought i'd swap a recipe with you all. (Hope that's okay?) It's a Lebanese salad called 'fatoush' and it's delicious. I am going to make it for our 'breakfast' as soon as I sign off here.;)

Fatoush ingredients: (though you can add or detract whatever you want)







lemon juice

1 clove garlic

olive oil

pita (or arab flat)bread



Slice the cucumber, lettuce, tomato, radish and onion. Cut small the parsley, mint, purslane. Throw everything in a bowl. Cut the bread into small squares and either fry it or toast it. Leave aside. Mix the juice of two lemons, crushed garlic and olive oil. Leave aside until serving.

Just before serving add the dressing, mix salad, sprinkle the bread pieces on top.

Hope you enjoy it! :)

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The beauty of fatoush is you can add anything you like, and remove anything you dont like and it will still be delicious.

The main things are the parsley, mint and purslane (I had to google it to get it's english name too!), though I have made it without the purslane if it wasn't available and it was still good. ;)

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Oh boy! Recipes! It sounds delicious, endlessnight! Here is another great salad that is very hearty and I love it!




green onion

red onion

garbonzo beans

black ovives

green peppers

garlic herbed feta cheese

ceasar dressing

Just mix it altogether and it's delicious! You can also add other cheeses and meats with it if you like! :(

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