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explaining depression to spouse


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I guess it depends on what sort of depression you want to describe.

I would say it is an affliction which causes an emotionless, restless or distressed state, I don't think it's a great deal more complicated than that unless he wants to know the specifics of brain chemistry.

I used to have a website which explained how one's brain differs under depression, but I cannot find it again, there could be another decent website somewhere though; otherwise you could ask your doctor for a leaflet regarding this sort of thing.

I'm very sorry if I misunderstood.

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I think the most you could do in explaining depression is through education, he may never understand just how you feel and why or how it even effects you physically. If he had ever experienced situational depression and remembers how he felt, you could tell him thats kinda how you feel except it's all the time.

best of luck.


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Guest ASchwartz

Hi Angela,

I happen to believe that depression can be explained to other people because virtually everyone experiences some sadness or blue periods during their lives. I suspect that the reason the others are skeptical is because it was hard for them to get others to understand even after explaining. That's the trouble, we can explain very clearly but, if the people we are explaining it to cannot or will not listen, then, there is no hope.

My suggestion is to do your best and see if some books on the topic might help him.

Anyone have any suggestions for some books that show depression for what it is? Novels can be excellent.


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