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well im quite confused its been like these lately, an tonight i know i made a mistake whit my meds somehow i took them 3 times, i can figurate that out coz i open a new blizter lorazpen and lithium both new blisters, since there the last ones i got i knew there where closed now i just took one with dinner. And at some point it i was thinking that ive taken twice the meds that i already had taken them once, then i took the blisters out of the box and i see there missing 3 pills each so that means ive taken it 3 times with out noticed, maybe earlyer when i got home and the other 2 later on while eating i remeber the one i had when eating thats the only one i recall. I hope nothing happends lorazepan is soft and lithium perphaps for 3 nothing will happend, but im really upset and sleepy confused i think i sould get one of those thing to put pills that marks days and time.

i lost 4 pills so knows that mean getting more before the weakend, what a crrap.


yes im thinking it could be a side efect ever since ive been taking 1 lithium in every meal i get confused in really silly stuff like ppl names some times and i never forget a name. Last saturday i whent to club with my frinds and at the way back i dindt remember the name of the streets where i live, and i wasent drunk i dont drink since i take meds, and i also wasent under any effect of another druggs, ill go on thuesday to se my psychiatrist and ill comment these incident he was also supposed to make and exam to see if lithums works with me. So its going to be a nice thing to visit him.


i hate when that happens. happeend to me when i took meds at different times sometimes.

though i got off drugs a while back. the only thing im on currently is pain meds i can take as often as i want as long as i do it no more than 2 pills every 8 hours (i was in a bike wreck and broke my collar bone)

anyway... if your able to schedule taking it all at one time do so, BUT ASK YOUR DOCTOR IS THIS IS SAFE FIRST

also having those pill holders with "morning" and "evening" that hold up to a week of pills can help you if you only take them at two times. then when you see that the slot for evening for that day is gone for instance, you will know that you arlready took that dosage.

sorry that that last sentence was so wordy =p


i'm two day behind on this post, but i have to respond to this:

lithium perphaps for 3 nothing will happend
woah! 3 times your dose of lithium can be VERY dangerous! the line between therapeutic and toxic level of lithium is very fine. i have gotten lithium poisoning before simply from becoming dehydrated which caused the levels to naturally rise in my body. this was no fun. i was terribly sick. it's no wonder you were feeling hot afterwards. probably dizzy too? at any rate, i'm sure you're okay now since it has been 2 days since you wrote this. just be careful in the future.
i think i sould get one of those thing to put pills that marks days and time.
very good idea, it has helped me greatly. i often get confused and used to take meds twice because i forgot i already took it, or i wouldn't take it at all because i thought i already did. these containers are very helpful and not very expensive. pick one up next time you go to the pharmacy.

well im still waiting for next weak so my therapist will start trying diferent cotails to see what suits me better, ive stated with these pills for anxiaty and to start to get use to them. Yea im ok, and yea ive read what lithium can do intoxicated or even death so thats why having a box full of them when i feel deprese is not always a good thing. But i dont like the idea of some else having my meds.


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