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Hyacinth last won the day on February 20 2014

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  1. It's just spam. You didn't cause it. You didn't open it. You didn't do anything wrong.
  2. Jessie and Honey Badger. Sorry if it sounded like I was making light of your pain. It's not that I think you shouldn't be distressed by whatever insensitive comments lead you to believe your inadequate. It's just that I don't agree that there is anything wrong with you. Not all women sleep around and compare penis sizes. Most are happy with whatever penis the man they love happens to have The thought of a woman rejecting someone she loves based on a single body part sounds pathologically shallow to me, and frankly, it makes me angry at the hypothetical woman. It also sad to think of you defining yourselves based on sex appeal. There is so much more to life, and so much more to a person. Is there any chance that you or the people you hang around are overly obsessed with sex ? Maybe making new friends who have other hobbies, interests, passions, dreams and career ambitions will make penis size less important. Aren't people known for accomplishments rather than penis size? Also, don't you love your friends and family for who they are on the inside, and not for any single part? You can expect others to do the same for you.
  3. I'm sorry your hurting like this. I think you sound like a very kind person. God bless you.
  4. Things could be worse; you could have a four inch nose. Then everyone would see it ALL of the time. A small penis is something you can keep hidden from the public, and only reveal to the person you marry. Your wife someday will love you for who you are on the inside.
  5. Losing a husband, marrying another, raising 7 kids, working at the same time, plus providing a home for a mother of 2; that's a LOT for one person to handle. This sounds like financial trouble and life challenges rather than actual mental health issues. Try reconnecting with old friends,or maybe talking to church elders. Elders are encouraging and they have lots of connections. They can pray for you too.
  6. Hi I used to live next to 27 year old virgin with Aspergers. Despite being incredibly attractive, he'd never been able to get sex his entire life. When he started hitting on me I found that unsurprising. He was so insulting I had no problem turning him down. Maybe you can learn from his mistakes. The biggest thing he did was fail to make women feel respected. He never told me he had affection for me, or thought I was beautiful, or wanted to be with me. Instead he whined endlessly about how sexually frustrated he was. I got the idea that he was desperate enough to fornicate with any warm, female body he could get his grubby paws on. As a result, I did not feel honored when he pursued me, and I was not the least bit tempted to give in. Women want to be desired, respected, wooed and cherished. They don't want to be picked up out of desperation. Here is my advice to you. 1) Don't pursue a woman unless you like her and respect her. Men with Aspergers can't get away with that, and its a good thing that they can't, because relationships without respect are always horrible. 2) When you pursue a woman, don't talk about being desperate, horny, or insecure. It will make you sound pathetic and not desirable. Even worse: talking about being desperate for ANYONE might make your lady friend question whether you sincerely like her as an individual. If you really do like her, it would be sad if you made her think otherwise. 3) Don't accidentally become a stalker. I realize that up to this point, I have emphasized that woman want to be desired. That is part of the reason why there is a market for romantic movies where heros display their love and passion by spontaneously showing up at their love's doorstep or participating in a high speed car chases. Unfortunately, in the real world, such behaviors lead to restraining orders, disorderly conduct and sexual harassment charges. The reason why actions have different results in the real world than they have in the movies is that, unlike in movies where love is always eventually returned, the real world has imperfection; Not all attention is welcome. Be mindful of this and get in the habit of asking women questions whenever you are in doubt. Ask for their number instead of finding it on your own. Agree with them about when and where you will meet. 4) Give complements and show appreciation. Let your lady friend know how beautiful she is, and how much you appreciate her as a person. Good luck.
  7. Would you say you have matured in the last two years? Has the way you viewed the world changed? Have you learned new coping strategies? If so, you do not have to worry about becoming like you were two years ago. Antidepressants are not like drugs and alcohol. They do not give you a high, or make you happy in the midst of agonizing events. What they do is chemically prevent the brain from handy-capping itself in response to depression. See: http://www.researchgate.net/publication/51717768_Cell_atrophy_and_loss_in_depression_reversal_by_antidepressant_treatment Ultimately, you bring yourself out of depression by becoming a stronger person. Anti depressants are simply a resource. They work by making your brain produce new cells, so that you can adapt in positive ways. see: http://mentalhealth.about.com/cs/psychopharmacology/a/neurogenesis.htm What matters in the long term is not whether you stay on antidepressants, but whether you use your new brain cells wisely. Don't focus on the medicine. Focus on making a better life, and in the process you will build a better brain. God Bless
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