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So far today, I feel fine. I'm not manic or depressed....I'm just okay. Just the little nagging voice in the back in my head is telling me it won't last long. So, I must be manic today. I spent 5 of the 600 dollars I have to my name on stuff that I don't really need right now....at the time I convinced myself that it's ok to get this and this and this but now I'm like.......wow....




I'm not doing so good right now.....I'm depressed, and I don't want to do anything. I am just sitting here, worried about how I'm going to fix it all, but, I have no motivation to do any of it. What's the point? My sane part is thinking things aren't that bad right now, and then I argue, "If things aren't so bad, why do I feel like this?" The only answer is that there is something wrong with me. Which makes me sad...makes it worse. I need help. He needs to wake up soon because I don't kno



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