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-Anyways! Over time, me growing older, I started to get the abuse. I was mainly a good kid, never did anything wrong, made good grades, always tried to help people, but with the issues at home, I was severely depressed. I started to hang with a bad crowd, and I started in with drugs with them, and I would cut myself, and started skipping school, my grades started slipping, destructive decisions, etc. Well, when I was 16, I dropped out of my traditional highschool, and signed up for an alternativ



In the beginning... -Fast forward- A new chapter to Life..

I've never had a blog entry in my life, nor have I read many. I've never seen much point in exploring someone else's thoughts and opinions when at times, I don't understand my own. And even when I'm so sure, I never have enough self-confidence to voice my own. I always have negative thoughts that race through my mind. Why would I say that? No one would understand. Great job at fitting in. It's hard to always live in a shell. So I guess change sometimes is good. Is necessary. Who knows, it migh



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