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An odd experience

I was watching an episode of the Big Bang Theory today and I nearly went catatonic. In the episode (season 3, episode 13) the main characters' apartment is robbed. When I was young, I cannot remember how old anymore, our family went on a month long driving vacation around the continental US. I never enjoyed such things but it wasn't as bad as it could've been. Until we got home. When we arrived home, we discovered that the kitchen window had been forced open and we had been robbed. The police



A mental exercise

Imagine yourself walking through the most wonderful place you can imagine, taking in the scenery, enjoying the atmosphere. Now imagine you're not alone on this journey, but accompanied by a person not entirely unlike yourself. "Isn't this a pleasant day?" you may ask. "No, it isn't. And you're an idiot for asking such a blatantly stupid question," your companion remarks. "But everything is just the way I like it," you may say. "You don't deserve this. You are worthless," is the companion's o



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