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Wow...strange night



Ok so this new guy started at work a couple of months ago and hes extremely hot, as everyone in work thinks.

He seemed to be flirtin with me alot and i assumed he was like that with everyone.

Had a party at my house last night with all the work ones and a few of them mentioned he liked me alot, he knows about my ex and how hard im finding things but hes made such an effort to try and make me feel good.

I just didnt think someone like him would like someone like me.

He pulled my to one side last night and told me he really liked me but knew i was on the rebound etc.

To cut a long story short we ended up sleeping together...very out of character on my part anyway!

While it was really good and nice to feel wanted i was so aware of the fact he wasnt my ex (the only person iv slept with until last night)

i really like this guy but im not ready for anything serious, but i can still have fun, i dont regret it at all, infact its made me realise there are other people out there!

I just need to take it slow and not put everything into it like i did last time.



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