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Wow...strange night

Ok so this new guy started at work a couple of months ago and hes extremely hot, as everyone in work thinks. He seemed to be flirtin with me alot and i assumed he was like that with everyone. Had a party at my house last night with all the work ones and a few of them mentioned he liked me alot, he knows about my ex and how hard im finding things but hes made such an effort to try and make me feel good. I just didnt think someone like him would like someone like me. He pulled my to one side last




:mad: ok, so things were starting to look up and for 2 days i hadnt cried which is a major acheivement for me. So i decided to take myself shopping for some retail therapy. I knew my oddly 'fine' mood had to change and so it did, got pulled over for speeding and getting fined £60! so angry now Nothing like thats ever happened to me, so of course its gonna happen at a time when im really not needing it, so now im fed up and angry all over again :mad:



Hey everyone

So, i've decided to use this as a journal and share my feelings with whoever cares to listen. Since my break-up i feel so lifeless, i feel like i have no purpose. I put 110% into the past 2 years with my ex and i really fully believed we were gonna be together forever. During the whole relationship i never ever felt like i could live without him and its seeming impossible to do so right now He was the most perfect person to me, i knew from the moment i first saw him he was special and i felt li



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