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let today begin



well, today has begun and so far its been ok mentally. I get leary when things go so good lol. heck i even cleaned the house for the first time in a long time. but i wll crash sometime in hte near future. hubby gave me money for gas *and we live paycheck to paycheck* and i cannot believe it but i went and got a tattoo!!!!!!!!! how dumb could i be??? he was NOT happy with me. now one of our cars has to sit out of gas coz i was feeling so good and just blew the gas off.

my caseworker comes wed. i havent slept in a while, shes gonna freak when she sees me. oh well. does this sound more like bipolar or mdd.? i dont know. i just know my mood swings are getting out of control. sometimees i ffeel almost high before i crash and burn after a few days. even on medication.

well, enough rambling.


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